Reaping 2

In Activities ・ By An1k3t0s
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Vice made his way across the sponge mosses of the Blasting Moors in search of something to eat. He hadn't had much luck finding any prey so far and was starting to wonder where he should look for a decent hunting spot. He was a good ways away from the usual places he hunted at and it would be at least an hour of walking to reach his favorite spot. He sighed as his stomach rumbled impatiently, he didn't want to wait that long to satiate the pangs that were plaguing his mind. As he carefully traversed the erupting geysers and boiling pools he found himself in a large rocky area at the foothills of a mountain. Stretching out far in front of him, a large snow capped mountain range extended up into the cloudy sky. Vice stared up at the mountains finding it mildly interesting that the extreme heat of the geysers kept this area perpetually warm like summer while the mountain next door was in the dead of winter.

He inwardly pondered if it would be worth it to leave the warmth of the geyser fields to see if he could find any prey up there when he caught a glimpse of movement up the side of the mountain. Vice squinted as he tried to see what had caught his attention but it was hard to tell through the fog of steam permeating the area. The black ketucari quickly made his way up the rocky slope toward the mountain to get a better look and as he got closer he finally saw what had caught his eye. A light grayish white mountain goat was slowly and easily walking up the side of the rocky slope, grazing on the few sprigs of grass that managed to sprout around the desolate crags. Vice smiled as he realized he found the perfect prey for him to have a nice and filling meal.

He crouched down, trying his best to blend in with the shadows of the rocky slope as he quickly made his way up toward the goat. It was extremely hard to scale the increasingly steep slope without disturbing any rocks but Vice concentrated as hard as he could  on closing in on his prey. Just as he was getting close enough to strike a loose stone slipped out from under him and went tumbling down the slope sending a loud cascade of stones clattering down the hill. The goat immediately reacted to the sound with a startled bleat and it tried to run away. Vice swore as he launched himself in a full sprint after the goat and thankfully while the goat was more skilled at scaling the precarious terrain, Vice made up for the difference in skill with sheer power. The black ketucari quickly caught up with the goat and jumped onto its back, dragging the smaller animal down to the ground. The goat screamed in terror as Vice wrestled with its thrashing legs and flailing horns but its struggle was in vain as the black ketucari easily overpowered the animal. With a deft strike he clamped his jaws  around its neck and dispatched the goat. Vice stood up from where he had been sprawled and stood panting triumphantly with his catch. It had taken a little more effort than he would have liked but this meal would surely be delicious. 

Reaping 2
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In Activities ・ By An1k3t0s

Vice is hunger again out in the blasting moors and this time he catches himself a goat!

Word Count: 563

Submitted By An1k3t0s
Submitted: 4 months agoLast Updated: 4 months ago

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[Reaping 2 by An1k3t0s (Literature)](


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