[Gift] Winter Dawn

In General ・ By Wolfenru
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The crisp air bit into her lungs with each breath, and every step crackled with frost. Just over the horizon, Prota could see the sun starting to rise. Pastel colors grew with every minute, painting the landscape around her like a dream. Color bloomed to life around her, reflecting off of every frost covered surface. Even her feathers were lightly painted with the early dawn's light. She continued to walk, trying to find a rock she'd seen the day before.

Aha, there it is, she thought after spying it.

It rose from the surrounding grasses almost like a platform, flat enough on top for her to lay on if she desired. It also rose well above her head in intimidating display. Frost coated every surface of it, softening it's appearance and hiding how slick it truly was. If she wanted to climb it, she'd need to be careful, and she did want to climb it. Prota didn't fully understand why she wanted to do this, being out here in the bitter cold on the shortest day of the year, only that she did. And for today, that was enough for her.

Carefully she walked around the rock. Its sides were smooth with few cracks, like a sideways fang partially embedded in the ground. After a few minutes, she found a spot that looked a little rougher, somewhere she could get purchase on. One careful step, then another. Her claws slipped a few times, but, she was climbing it. Around her more light made the land bleed in color. A brief feeling of uncertainty filled her chest that she may miss the moment the sun fully crested, but she pushed it back. There's still plenty of time, I'm not going to miss it, she assured herself.

Then, all of a sudden, she was on top of the rock with frost melting beneath her. As she looked out her breath caught in her throat. The winter dawn was a sight to behold, and Prota was glad she got up for this. She settled down on the rock, not minding the chill or dampness soaking into her body. Beautiful, she sighed.

Around her the light painted everything in stunning colors. A faint breeze made the land seemingly breathe with the color like a sleeping giant. It was peaceful. Prota rested her head on her paws and tucked her tail around her. Only when the sun was well above her head did she finally leave, feeling light as frost.


The walk back to where she spent the night was quiet, and with her she brought a bite to eat she stumbled across, literally. A lone ground streak bolted in front of her, and within seconds it was in her jaws. She carried it delicately, and quickened her pace to get back before it started to freeze in the biting cold. It wouldn't do to have the others eat frozen meat.

The others in the temporary den were only just starting to stir when she got back, and the streak was only just starting to get cold. She looked back towards the rising sun

[Gift] Winter Dawn
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In General ・ By Wolfenru

A gift for illicit-ethereal of Protalummi! A short piece taking place during dawn on the Winter Solstice in Jordskarn.

Submitted By Wolfenru
Submitted: 2 months agoLast Updated: 2 months ago

illicit-ethereal: Gift For
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[[Gift] Winter Dawn by Wolfenru (Literature)](https://ketucari.com/index.php/gallery/view/473)


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AAAAAA this is glorious

2024-12-23 00:53:07

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