KT-1306: Seishin
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Nicknames: Sei, Shin, Spirit, Ghost, Seikatsu, Life
ID: KT-1306
Ownership: ASimpleMoon
(View Ownership History)
Spirit is a kind toa, funny, gentle and understanding he’s incredibly patient. However he can be incredibly sarcastic, and very rude to those who treat him wrong, as he isn't one to let himself get stepped all over and treated unfairly, having learned from his childhood. He loves a good meal and great company and will gladly trade a performance in return for such hospitality. He is the Sass Master extraordinaire.
Born weak and sickly Seishin was abandoned at birth, however he was found by a villager and taken to a small orphanage in the Singing Vale. He grew out of his weak sickly state but was shunned by the other cubs for his stark white fur and strange eyes, for the cubs had never seen a ketucari like him before. They often picked on him and stole from the tiny cub, calling him names like freak or corpse, though the phoenix never seemed to mind or let it bother him. He loved his fellow orphans and especially loved the couple who ran the orphanage seeing them as his parents and family.
When he was barely a year old tragedy struck the orphanage, a horrible fire broke out burning everything to the ground and killing everyone inside, except Seishin, who had snuck out during the night like he often did to pick flowers and play without having to worry about getting picked on. He came back to see his only home destroyed and the burnt corpses of the ones he had loved so dearly.
Devastated the young ketucari did his best not to let the grief consume him, he traveled around the Vale for a while and was found by a traveling circus of sorts, led by a quirky yet kind ketucari, the ket raised him as their own child and it was revealed just how talented the albino phoenix really was, his voice was incredible, he could sing in almost any range and could dance expertly. He was also agile, nimble and quick, able to show off in obstacle courses and races alike.
He eventually parted ways with the circus after about 6 years travelling with them, and ever since has brought his talents around Velukaelo, intending on entertaining and bringing happiness to whoever he can.
He fell in love with a golden toa only to have him torn away, he assumes the other dead.
He does not realize he is in fact holding within him locked away powers and memories of an entirely different life.
Pack: Owaranai Yume
Attunement: Greheli
Titles/Achievements: Godkiller; Raider of Antikutan; Raider of Ilahaesa Mountains; Tasty; Furious; Raider of Plains of Messus; Raider of the Singing Vale
Backgrounds: N/A
- Mithril Armor (1300 Armor) + Yellow Toresul (35 Luck) + Red Toresul x2 (140 Strength)
- Claw Sheaths
- Large Flip Coin (God Form)
- Timeworn Skull (+50 Dexterity)
- Large Trinket (Flowers)
- Sweet and Smoky Dinner x1
- Vestige of Hianlian
Sex: Male (Toa)
Gender/Pronouns: -
Genotype: ee/ss/kk/nA/nBr/nFil/nV/nSm/nVt/ww
Phenotype: Albino Buff with Barring, Filigree, Vents, Shimmer and Vitiligo
Build: Standard
Breedable? Yes
Lifetime Breedings: 17/46
Nobility: 170
----------------- SS: ST-009: Ravi
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: ST-008: Kamala
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
Designed By: JFJL, IIIXKitsuneXIII
Art By: N/A
Technical Details