KT-1696: Sparrow

Owned by ASimpleMoon
  • Gift art is allowed
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  • Not up for trades


Name: Sparrow
Nicknames: Row
ID: KT-1696
Ownership: ASimpleMoon
(View Ownership History)


Spunky // Sarcastic // Playful // Flirty // Kind // Generous // Hot headed // Stubborn


She had started life off as a young, naive kadin, despite being much MUCH smaller than her non dwarfism counterparts, she never let that hold her back, she fell in love, and lost that love.

When it seemed that her life was at its lowest in her quiet messus city apartment, when her depression seemed to reach a peak? She met someone who would change her life forever, and then, she met another.

She could not imagine her life as anything else...but when a tragedy takes her leg, the kadin finds herself spiraling back into that dark depressed place once more.

At least this time she isnt alone.


She is messy, but she's kind
She is lonely most of the time
She is all of this mixed up
And baked in a beautiful pie
She is gone but she used to be mine


deviantart link

Pack: Owaranai Yume

Attunement: Talik

Titles/Achievements: N/A

Backgrounds: N/A

Armor: 1453/1475
Strength: 45/500
Dexterity: 32/500
Cunning: 1/200
Perception: 9/200
Intellect: 2/200
Willpower: 173/200
Luck: 44/200

Stats from Bonding: 100 Armor; 20 Strength; 20 Dexterity; 20 Willpower;

  • Mithril (1300 Armor) + Yellow Toresul (35 Luck) + x4 Rose Toresul (140 Willpower)
  • Ancient Medallion
Accessories: None
Companions: None

Sex: Female (Kadin)
Gender/Pronouns: -
Build: Standard
No traits listed.

Breedable? Yes
Lifetime Breedings: 11/20
Nobility: 0
------------------------------------------ SSS: [DECEASED] KT-913: Malak
----------------- SS: KT-1092: Killian
------------------------------------------ SSD: KT-218: Setah
Sire: KT-1273: Thistle
------------------------------------------ SDS: KT-473: Serin
----------------- SD: KT-788: Olive
------------------------------------------ SDD: KT-669: Sehkmet
------------------------------------------ DSS: ST-286: Meesha
----------------- DS: KT-420: Bard Taliesin
------------------------------------------ DSD: ST-284: Gaura
Dam: KT-1249: Meadowlark
------------------------------------------ DDS: ST-276: Taim
----------------- DD: KT-315: Voyna
------------------------------------------ DDD: ST-008: Kamala

Designed By: N/A
Art By: N/A


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Technical Details

15 July 2020, 18:18:01 UTC

Can be gifted
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No additional notes given.