KT-2373: Atlas
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Nicknames: Atty, At, Prophet, Mint, Bard, The Cursed One, The Burdened, Immortal One, Bloodsucker,
ID: KT-2373
Ownership: ASimpleMoon
(View Ownership History)
Gentle // Affectionate // Cautious // Generous // Defensive // Friendly // Introverted // Lonely
Atlas is a gentle soul carrying a heavy burden and an even worse curse. He has been on Velukaelo for many many years, has seen the Akadri War among much more. How does he still look so young one may ask? He is essentially immortal. Every time he is killed he is cursed to be reincarnated in the same body, same powers, same memories. It takes him barely a month to go from cub to adult everytime he is reborn. How did this happen? Well, Atlas was caught in the crossfire of of his best friend making a very idiotic descision. His friend decided to piss off an evil and powerful god, instead of letting said god kill his best friend Atlas pleaded to take his friend's punishment instead. The cruel god that called himself Silence (link Kaine here), he boasted the reason was because anyone who encountered him tended to die before they could even get a word out, decided to curse Atlas with a disease of sorts, the closest Atlas could come to an answer for what this curse was is ‘vampirism’ of course, the young ket didn’t know WHAT he’d been cursed with when the cruel gods dark powers enveloped him, for he had felt fine, had watched the god disappear and assumed that his attack had failed. Overjoyed he returned to his pack with his best friend beside him, none the wiser of the monster he had just become.
When the first aches of thirst hit Atlas the young toa had no idea what was wrong with him, no matter how much water he drank he could not stop the all consuming burning in his throat, his fangs felt longer, his claws sharper, and his strength and energy endless. He was afraid. On the second week of suffering from his violent thirst his best friend had nicked himself on a thorn bush, the scent of his blood was all it took to end everything.
When Atlas had come too from his bloodlust induced rage he was horrified to find his entire pack slaughtered, necks torn open and all blood drained from their bodies, their blood soaked into his fur, and his body feeling stronger than he had ever felt in his life. Realizing that Silence had cursed him he panicked, living and hiding as a nomad learning to control his thirst for many years until the Akadri wars broke out. He fought for his kinds freedom but eventually forced himself into hiding once more when his bloodlust began to twist him into a war hungry monster.
He hid for centuries more until finally, FINALLY he began to allow himself interaction, began to explore the world and all its beauty...he discovered that even if he is cursed for all eternity the least he can do is try and use his curse to help others. For he realized that whoevers blood he consumes, even just a few drops, will give him visions about their future, potential outcomes that he can advise them about, earning him the name ‘Prophet’.
He also loves singing and playing music for others, making his living on donations from his performances as a traveling bard on top of whatever he may be paid to prophesize. Not only does he get free blood but he also gets the coin he needs for other necessities.
Some still view Atlas as a monster, as he will still occasionally lose himself to his bloodlust, but he does his best to always keep up on his blood intake so he DOESN’T lose control...but its hard to see the kind gentle soul behind the slaughter. He tries to avoid those who know this side of him.
Atlas craves more than just being a lone wanderer, he craves love, friendship, a pack and a purpose...and maybe one day, he can find a way to break his curse.
It is said he smells of petrichor and mint with the slightest underlying hint of freshly spilled blood. He stays in human form most of the time when around others, and keeps his hood and mask up, afraid of those who may recognize him as a monster.
Pack: N/A
Attunement: N/A
Titles/Achievements: Advanced Engineer
Backgrounds: N/A
- Darhaskos Talisman (Human Form)
- Ancient Medallion
- Leather Pouch
- Mithril Armor (1300 Armor) (x4 Rose Toresul-140 Willpower) (x1 Red Toresul-70 Strength)
- Timeworn Skull (50 Dexterity)
- Ketucabra Cub
Sex: Male (Toa)
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk+C/nDi/nEm/nMs/nSt/nSnd/nDsk/nSb/nScm/nPn/Ww
Phenotype: Emerald opal with moonspots, spotting, strand, dusky points, sable, scalemarks, and pangare
Build: Ryno
Breedable? Yes
Lifetime Breedings: 4/20
Nobility: 0
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: ST-1646: Dras
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: ST-2293: Apis
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
Designed By: SonataFimbul, ASimpleMoon
Art By: N/A
Technical Details