KT-3056: Purgatia
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Not up for trades
Nicknames: Purr
ID: KT-3056
Ownership: Noirmori
(View Ownership History)
Baby girl baby who has never done anything wrong in her life.
(I often draw her as a cub but this statement still applies to adult Purr)
Her three dads spoiled her, yet she is still a ray of sunshine. She's never met a stranger and has the unbridled curiosity of a child. Encouraged by her dads, this curiosity flourished and she is a brilliant scientist/explorer- jack of all trades type. She loves fieldwork, especially tracking down lost artifacts, and attempting to discover new species, or supernatural phenomena. A strong believer in science, magic, the gods, and the otherwise supernatural, Purgatia knows there's enough room in this wide world for all of the above, and she wants to meet them all.
Bio dad- https://www.ketucari.com/character/KT-2775 (gone a lot for his solemn duty, but always makes time for her when he's home and brings her gifts from his travels)
Other dads- https://www.ketucari.com/character/KT-2378 (somehow a responsible parent and the primary caretaker. They live in his manor)
https://www.ketucari.com/character/KT-1078 (finds her briliant but otherwise dislikes children)
Pack: N/A
Attunement: N/A
Titles/Achievements: N/A
Backgrounds: N/A
Equipment: None
Accessories: None
Companions: None
Sex: Female (Kadin)
Gender/Pronouns: She/her
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk/nRs/nDsk/nFr/nHd/nCo/nLwk/nPn/nSmp/wwh
Phenotype: Rose Brown with dusky points, frill, hood, colorize, lampworked, pangare, stamped
Build: Danuoc
Breedable? Yes
Lifetime Breedings: 20/20
Nobility: 0
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: KT-2775: Pestilence
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: KT-1888: The Champion
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: KT-2712: Jinx
------------------------------------------ DDS: KT-2457: Ocean
----------------- DD: KT-2580: Start Swimming
------------------------------------------ DDD: KT-1304: Naiad
Designed By: Noirmori
Art By: N/A
Technical Details