KT-3093: Beneath the Willows

Owned by AutumnDarkCloud
  • Gift art is allowed
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  • Not up for trades
Name: Willow
Nicknames: Camellia or Cam
ID: KT-3093
Ownership: AutumnDarkCloud
(View Ownership History)


Camellia was around since the time ketucari were enslaved, Although instead of trained and used for fighting (which he was too young for at the time) his master had given him another form to hide the truth and kept him as their faithful, albeit clumsy, servant.
The young ket they managed to save was meek, and their life fabricated by their master.

"A orphan" they said "He helped me and I see fit to help him."

Camellia was nameless, and lacking in utmost everything.
a new body made him clumsy and his age had him illiterate, and unable to speak to them and do things properly
However even with all this and the protests of his masters family and other servants, they simply shrugged
"I'll teach him. With some hard work a servants job should be no problem."
Ignoring the plentiful protests, they stayed true to their words and within a few years the young toa worked hard and proved many of their doubts wrong.
Although still clumsy and often acting like a lost puppy without his master, he became a hard worker and a fine servant.

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"Mother, mother
I think I've found my soul
While I was hiding under
The willow"
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Though that was long since in the past, Camellia now lives in the silver glades under a Willow tree
where he dutifully awaits his masters return.
However before his master left him there, they did make or more accurately force a promise.
"if I do not return by the time these rations are gone, promise me you'll take the collar off and live a free happy life."
However many protest and questions he made, how ever many pleas he did. his master stood firm on this wish.
however Instead of leaving and living a life free of shackles once his rations were gone, he awaited his masters return. and instead of taking the collar off that had him in such a small form, he kept it on as to better serve his master when they return.

It has been a many years, the rations long since eaten and promise long since  broken.
Camellia's disguise has also since withered, however the magic of it stayed within him and he has not changed back, preferring the small meek form with fond warm memories over the large ryno whose body feels almost unnatural to him by this point.

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"There beneath the willow tree, I learned a lot about the way of things
I learned that everything has breath inside (the wind, the leaves, the wind, the leaves)
They were pointing ever east to see the ever-turning eon cease
Their wills were ever bent on waiting with all their might"
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- -

With such passing of time he acts his age somewhat, Although still a puppy when speaking or mentioning his master, Hes grown mellow and often helps those who pass or simply keeps company to travelers both sentient and not.
He rarely leaves the silver glades, fearful his master might return whilst he isn't there and leave. Although he has grown to actually leave the willow tree to help the guardian and those in the zone!
Oddly however there have been times where he disappears into the large willow tree and doesn't come out for many days, with a simple note left for his master above the hollow saying they can find him within the weaving roots beneath the willow.

Pack: N/A

Attunement: N/A

Titles/Achievements: N/A

Backgrounds: N/A

Armor: 100/100
Strength: 10/500
Dexterity: 10/500
Cunning: 0/200
Perception: 0/200
Intellect: 0/200
Willpower: 0/200
Luck: 15/200

Stats from Bonding: 50 Armor; 10 Strength; 10 Dexterity; 10 Luck;

Equipment: None
Accessories: None
Companions: None

Sex: Male (Toa)
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Genotype: EE/Ss/KK/nA/nGs/nMtl/nPn/nSl/Ww
Phenotype: Albino Brown with Glass, Mottling, Pangare, Shell
Build: Ryno

Breedable? No
Lifetime Breedings: 0/0
Nobility: 0
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: KT-2057: Ezio
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: KT-2336: Tsuna
------------------------------------------ SDS: KT-1871: Ikoro
----------------- SD: KT-2077: Chell
------------------------------------------ SDD: KT-1842: Ember
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: KT-1366: Cruz
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: KT-1475: Gwenivere
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: [DECEASED] KT-1277: Spectra
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

Designed By: AutumnDarkCloud
Art By: N/A


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Technical Details

16 September 2023, 04:12:30 UTC

Can be gifted
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