KT-413: King
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Nicknames: Dad , The Guardian
ID: KT-413
Ownership: ASimpleMoon
(View Ownership History)
Past // Cocky/Flirtatious//Reckless//Arrogant//FriendlyCurrent // Guarded//Timid//Gentle//Fatherly//Kind//Wise//Self Conscious
Fallen from his high horse, King is no longer the young cocky toa he had once been. He no longer expects the world to be handed to him, and has become extremely humbled from his time in Velukaelo.
He had been taken as a newborn from Velukaelo, raised for three years in a mysterious land before unceremoniously being tossed on his ass back into his birth lands he had heard so much about from his adopted mother. The hellcat had helped him get his bearings for a few years before leaving him to his own vices for good...to this day he misses her and hopes she is well.
King learned many a harsh lesson as he grew from a reckless arrogant and cocky playboy, into a fatherly, kind and gentle soul.He began to be known as the universal 'dad' among ketucari, always taking in young and old alike who needed a father figure, raising many of his own blood and those not related to him by blood at all from infancy to adulthood.
He experienced heartbreak in losing his first love, and his first litter.
He has gone through so many hardships and challenges and has faced the world head on with hope and an optimistic attitude. He made it to elderhood with a smile, was happy, and had recently found his soul mate and fallen head over heels in love with a kadin by the name of Izanami.
Everything was perfect.
Until Guro attacked.
The raid was long and hard and took nearly everything from the toa, he watched his daughter die in front of him (or so he believes) lost an eye to Guro and was cursed by the many attacks and dark magics of the beast to be permanently disfigured and scarred…He nearly died and if it hadn’t been for Evangeline he would have for certain perished from his wounds.
The kadin nursed him back to health and took him to her home in the Silverglade. From then on he has felt lost and depressed, feeling a near shell of himself from before the raid. He believes his mate to be lost to him as well, believes her to have died in the raid. He copes by rescuing cubs and aiding in the care of the orphans of Wonderland and acting as their main guard, his best friend Evangeline always by his side when he needs her. He hates interacting with strangers that are not cubs and yearlings mainly because he fears how they will react to his disfigurement. He holds within his heart the tiniest spark of hope that Izanami is alive.
He hopes some day he may begin to heal emotionally.
Pack: Alethea
Attunement: Talik
Titles/Achievements: Healer of Antikutan; Tasty; Godkiller;
Backgrounds: N/A
- Iron Armor + Rose Heldyrite (900 armor + 25 willpower)
- Guro Paw Scars
- Guro Mouth Scars
- Scar Pack x5 (Eye removal/scarring)
- Belly Mouth
- Spine Tentacles
- Vestige of Guro
Sex: Male (Toa)
Gender/Pronouns: -
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk/nV/nMtl/nSnd/ww
Phenotype: Mottled brown vent strand
Build: Standard
Breedable? Yes
Lifetime Breedings: 28/40
Nobility: 190
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: ST-286: Meesha
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: ST-275: Scald
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
Designed By: IIIXKitsuneXIII
Art By: N/A
Technical Details