KT-869: Memory Lost
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Nicknames: Memory, Lost, Yukino (old name), Yuki
ID: KT-869
Ownership: ASimpleMoon
(View Ownership History)
Born to the Winter King himself and Sahar, Yukino was found by an elder Ketucari by the name of King before she was even weaned, her mother not wanting to deal with a child at all and abandoning her and the rest of her litter at birth. Unfortunately King could not locate the other cubs and was only able to find Yuki in the raging storm. Despite this she was raised with nothing but love by King and Athena alongside their biological children. She is a young ketucari, gentle sweet and filled with an intense love for all living things. She will however kill if she has to, though she hates to do so. She is elegant and calm, not easily angered or offended. When she was deemed old enough King told young Yuki about her biological parents and handed to her the letter Tauratu wrote for her. She plans on one day making the journey to find her blood related father, but until then she is happy to explore what the world has to offer for her. Only time will tell what could happen to her in her journeys, but one thing is true, she is well loved and intends on spreading kindness wherever she may travel.
Pack: N/A
Attunement: Greheli
Titles/Achievements: N/A
Backgrounds: N/A
- Vestige of Hianlian
- Iron Armor (900 armor) + Green Heldyrite (+50 armor) + Green Naliem x2 (200 armor)
- Ancient Medallion
Companions: None
Sex: Female (Kadin)
Gender/Pronouns: she/it
Genotype: Ee/SS/Kk/nSb/nDi/nPn/nWt/nIv/nMtl/Ww
Phenotype: Inverted Taupe with Sable, Pangare, Washout and Mottling
Build: Standard
Breedable? Yes
Lifetime Breedings: 9/20
Nobility: 0
----------------- SS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: KT-632: Tauratu (Winter King)
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: ST-016: Raharjo
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: KT-363: Sorcha (Pronounced Sorika or Sorka)
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: ST-008: Kamala
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown
Designed By: Achiha-Azteca
Art By: N/A
Technical Details