Submission (#6019) Approved

12 September 2024, 05:59:42 UTC (6 months ago)
18 September 2024, 03:00:54 UTC (5 months ago) by Wolfenru


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Obsidian-Niight Avatar

ah ok thank you!

2024-09-18 06:21:09

Wolfenru Avatar
Wolfenru Staff Member

Hello! I see you added your vestige of Hianlian to this quest. I'll be returning the companion to you via grant. If you're wanting to add the companion to your ketucari, you'll need to go to the Hoard (link below) to apply the companion. Vestige companions are also only used as bonuses in adventures. If you want more information on companions and their bonuses I've also linked that page below

2024-09-18 03:00:44

Obsidian-Niight Avatar

ah ok thank you!

2024-09-18 06:21:43

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Reward Amount
Chunk of Meat 5
Small Claw 5
Leather Scrap 5
Gold 5



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity
Vestige of Hianlian Vestige of Hianlian Received rewards for submission (#5645) N/A 1

Obsidian-Niight's Bank

Currency Quantity