Your hoard will be created automatically when you sign up on the website. Remember that items and gold from adventures and battles are put in your hoard upon being rolled, and do not need to be redeemed!
View Your Cache
Click this link to be taken to our old Hoard document and view what was in accounts pre-Lorekeeper.View Pack Cache
Click this link to be taken to the old Pack Hoard document and view what was a the pack account pre-Lorekeeper.Only pack Matriarch/Elder Males can use items & gold from Pack Cache.
Anyone can send items to a Pack Cache.
Purchase an Item
Item purchases are now conducted via our website! This thread is permanently closed.
5g for a stack of 5 low tier items
10g for a stack of 5 medium tier items
15g for a stack of 5 high tier items
Apply an Item
Click this link to apply an item to your ketucari.A ketucari may have:
- Unlimited accessories
- One piece of armor
- Two companions
- Two Archaeology pieces
- Two Armorcrafting pieces
- Two Battle Item pieces (no duplicates)
* Only 5 items may be applied at a time per comment
Transfer Items or Gold
Item transfers are now conducted via our website! This thread is permanently closed.Transfer Items or Gold (Packs)
Pack item transfers are now conducted via our website! This thread is permanently closed.Exchange Legendary Materials
Click this link to exchange legendary crafting materials for others of the same type.Redeem an Item
Click this link to redeem items such as prize packs and items that don't automatically generate a reward (Pouch of Raw Materials, Lovers Banquet, etc).Redeem Laurels
Click this link to redeem laurels from battle achievements.Redeem Misc. Art
You may redeem art (up to 5 pieces per month) that doesn't fit activity requirements for a small reward. Click for the Minimum Requirements page.Import Link: ketucari.com/character/KT-1676 | www.deviantart.com/matriarchs-…
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Item Buyback
Reply here with the following information. Items must be in a stack of 5 of the same tier.
Inventory Link:
Items Selling:
2024-04-05 18:52:04 (Edited 2024-04-05 18:52:09)
Unfeature Comment