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's Characters
KX-3003: 8th Commandment
KT-1496: Abd Al-Aziz
KT-2764: A Different Kind of Pain
ST-3203: Aletha
KT-2974: Alice of Human Sacrifice
KT-2928: All These Things That I've Done
KT-3131: Ambassador Durai
KT-3050: Angel With a Shotgun
KT-2638: AHAY
KT-885: Abercio Lamont
KT-2394: Adabon
ST-2550: Aimé
KT-1493: Akira
KT-2139: Aleksey
KT-2307: All About Soul
KT-1317: Amar
KT-758: Amaterasu
KT-1284: Amihan
KT-811: Amura Li
KT-1419: Androctonus
KT-580: Andromeda
KT-2726: Angora
KT-1303: Duke Aneirin
KT-2431: Anemone
KT-1353: Angelique
KT-1798: Aniruddha
KT-915: Antiopa
KT-465: Arcturus
KT-753: Arianna
KT-1897: Asche
KT-1198: Ashkari
KT-2107: Odysseus
KT-1291: Atra
KT-3102: Aura
KT-1136: Avanti
KT-2693: Bad Medicine
KT-2159: Ban
KT-1409: Barag
KT-1118: Battle Cry
KT-2601: Belle
KT-3096: Between Two Worlds
KT-792: Bintanath
KT-1017: Bion Meltieno
KT-2419: Black Fox
KT-816: Bomb Rush Blush
KT-1014: Bourbon
KT-1391: Bradach
KT-2059: Bragr
KT-2235: Brand New Day
KT-1896: Brandt
KT-3043: Breaking Free
KT-246: Brekarus
KT-2800: Bringer of Chaos!
KT-2260: Brisket
KT-3017: Bumble Bee
KT-2285: Burning Cherry
KT-1384: Cadwgan
KT-2839: Caramelldansen
KT-3258: Cardinal
KT-1825: Carter
KT-1436: Centuries
KT-1261: Chandra
KT-2230: Cinder
KT-1877: Cinnamon Bone
KT-2965: Citrus Knight
KT-2620: Charity
KT-932: Chikai
KT-2753: Chocolate
KT-2259: Chrysanthemum
KT-2973: Closer to an Animal
KT-1473: Cordula
KT-1337: Cosmic Eternity
KT-2754: Crystals
KT-2003: Cypress
KT-768: Danibar
KT-2940: Dark Impetus
KT-2758: Darshan
KT-3291: Dead Boy's Poem
KT-3116: Dead Gardens
KT-2617: Dead Hearts
KT-2563: Desert Rose
KT-1973: Désiré
KT-1239: Desolas Tatascio-Duval
KT-1576: Desperado
KT-1544: Diekos
KT-2461: Dirty Rotten Number
KT-1488: Disa
KT-2752: Distorted Light Beam
KT-2664: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
KT-1810: Dra'tas
KT-427: Drauger
KT-644: Dullahan
KT-2545: Einar
KT-1950: Elvan
KT-1560: End of All Hope
KX-3119: End World Normeopathy
KT-2871: Eos
C-016: Euclid
KT-2104: Evaine
KT-2691: Everybody's Fool
KT-190: Ezara
KT-1876: Fading World
KT-890: Farhan
KT-2633: Felwyn
KT-1529: Feyre
KT-604: Fieris
KT-1411: For the Heart I Once Had
KT-1661: Foxlight
KT-743: Ghavji 'Llerek
KT-2994: Ghost Love Score
KT-2341: Golshan
KT-1475: Gwenivere
KT-2756: Harshada
KT-2520: Haunted
KT-2468: Heartsease
KT-2618: Hit The Ground Running
KT-1097: How We Operate
KT-2527: House of Memories
KT-2635: House of Wolves
KT-1884: Hylactor
KT-2340: Hyssop
KT-2639: As Sure As I Am
KT-2738: Learn to Live
KT-3244: I am an Imaginary Living Body
KT-1871: Ikoro
KT-3162: One Eyed Bastard
ST-2145: Scolopendra
KX-2900: I'm Not Calling You A Liar
KT-2636: Incense
KT-2932: Show Your Fangs
KT-1392: The Wolf
KT-2757: Indira
KT-2840: Third Eye
KT-3095: In The Dark
KT-1075: In the Dark of the Night
KT-1044: Inva
KT-1756: Invidia
KT-1952: Isa
KT-3052: Ite, Missa Est
KT-3053: I Walk Alone
KX-3087: It Won't Fade
KT-784: Ivalice
KT-3161: Jackpot Sad Girl
KT-1757: Jaquez
KT-2933: Cyanide Love
KT-2870: Just Like Fire Would
KT-3055: Kaily
KT-696: Kalliope
KT-1799: Kamakshi
KT-1041: Kavi
KT-1459: Kekoa
ST-2987: Kielo
KT-676: Kouki
KT-1839: Kurilas
KT-925: Lainri
KT-1125: Larkspur
KT-957: Lethargy
KT-2487: Light
KT-704: Liovre
KT-1932: Lithium
KT-1824: Lizbeth
KT-1754: Llewelyn
KT-2538: Lying Coldly
KT-1442: Lyna
KT-2836: Lysithea
KT-2877: Magic Lantern Butterfly Moth 16th Century
KT-2392: Makenshi
KT-656: Mara
KT-767: Marama
KT-821: Medyte
KT-947: Meira
KT-687: Melanthios
KT-2423: Merhab
KT-713: Meridian
KT-3044: Misericorde
KT-2105: Mithris
KT-1866: Moonpelt
KT-1753: Morgana
KT-3247: Morvarid
KT-1835: Mungojerrie
KT-2231: My/Your Eyes
KT-1410: Nabooru
KT-3010: Nesta
KT-2043: Neve
KT-1792: Never Turn Back
KT-1142: Nightingale's Cry
KT-2203: Night Ride Across the Caucasus
KT-1322: Nikau
KT-3248: Nilesh
KT-3059: Nine Point Eight
KT-2622: Noctis
KT-2634: Noi!
ST-3204: No Longer You
KT-2128: No One Has Anything to Tell
KT-2418: Not One of Us
KT-2751: Numa Numa
KT-1242: Onari
KT-2173: Origa de Lachwe
KT-2619: Orion
KT-2420: Over Cold Shoulders
KT-2172: Ozta 'Llerek
KT-914: Parantica
C-010: Pathological Facade
KT-2678: Pavo
KT-871: Percival
KT-3290: Phaedra
KT-2258: Pond Stone
KT-2776: Porcelain
KT-870: Princeton
KT-2623: Private Universe
KT-3163: Purple Butterfly On Your Right Shoulder
KT-3250: Raiden Novak
KT-888: Rakmor Usk'taidr
KT-766: Rangi
KT-1477: Ranunculus
KT-2248: Ravenheart
KT-2393: Redwinged Blackbird
KT-989: Rei
KT-1432: Rejuvenation
KT-2526: Reset
KT-815: Rinari
KT-2253: Romanticide
KT-2391: Room of Angel
KT-3000: Rooster
KT-573: Rosa
KT-2029: Ruiha
KT-1834: Rumpleteazer
KT-3170: Safe and Sound
KT-1898: Satika
KT-1375: Say That Again
KT-3278: Serenity
KT-1139: Secrets
KT-2755: Shade
KT-658: Shamira
KT-1911: Sheridanii
KT-734: Shiva
KT-2632: Shri
KT-274: Sigrun
KT-1040: Silke
KT-1674: Simple and Clean
KT-2269: Snow
KT-1541: Solace
KT-2890: Solitaire
KT-2108: Somatisilik
KT-1418: Someday
KT-1550: Song of Myself
KT-1936: Songs of Life
KT-2637: Soothsayer
KT-3015: Spectrum
KT-856: Spicy Marmalade
KT-2869: Suijin
KT-1809: Sysl
KT-1953: Taurabun
KT-1833: Titanium
KT-785: Terra
KT-2395: Tequila Sunrise
KT-1373: The Anchor
KT-2698: The Count
KT-2838: The Hand That Feeds
KT-2945: The Kinslayer
KT-3031: Last Ride of the Day
KT-2421: The Phoenix
KT-3016: The Pinnacle of False Belief
KT-2131: The River Of Dreams
KT-2953: The Sound of Chaos
KT-2777: The Wind That Shakes The Barley
KT-793: Thessalie
KT-2837: Tongues and Teeth
KT-1826: Tsume
KT-2516: Tui
KT-826: Turn Blue
KT-1363: Twarin
KT-1087: Ulfr
KT-3103: Unpainted
KT-2106: Vadnais
KT-1494: Vasu
KT-1227: Velvet
KT-273: Verdandi
KT-2841: Veridis Quo
KT-2359: Virtual Star Embryology
KT-1790: Viveylki
KT-1495: Vivien
KT-1298: Voeld
KT-2006: Voices Carry
KT-1110: Volla
KT-660: Voski
KT-2028: Whetu
KT-2144: While Your Lips Are Still Red
KT-2462: Wild and Reckless
KT-398: Zinnia