Comments on KT-3274: Dark On Me

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Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member

Turn 1: Inflicted 26 damage and stunned the enemy! Stunned!
Turn 2: Inflicted 81 damage and stunned the enemy! Stunned!
Turn 3: Inflicted 26 damage and stunned the enemy! Stunned!
Enemy hit for 182 damage! Win!
This ketucari gets 14 Gold and 6 rolls from Battle Loot Table K!
Stats Gained: 6 Strength, 20 Armor, 7 Dexterity
Offering Received: Canopic Jar
Laurels Received: 4
Wren brought back a raspberry zigzori pup!


2025-02-25 05:41:46