Turn 1: Miss! Enemy hit for 55 damage!
Turn 2: Inflicted 79 damage and stunned the enemy! Enemy stunned!
Turn 3: Inflicted 24 damage and stunned the enemy! Enemy stunned!
Enemy hit for 55 damage! Win!
This ketucari gets 14 Gold and 9 rolls from Battle Loot Table K!
Stats Gained: 9 Strength, 6 Strength
Offering Received: Canopic Jar
Laurels Received: 2
Wren brought back a raspberry zigzori pup!
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
This is where admins will post results for this ketucari's battles.
Players are not permitted to post here.
2025-02-17 08:02:59 (Edited 2025-02-17 08:03:30)
Unfeature Comment
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Turn 1: Inflicted 26 damage and stunned the enemy! Stunned!
Turn 2: Inflicted 81 damage and stunned the enemy! Stunned!
Turn 3: Inflicted 26 damage and stunned the enemy! Stunned!
Enemy hit for 182 damage! Win!
This ketucari gets 14 Gold and 6 rolls from Battle Loot Table K!
Stats Gained: 6 Strength, 20 Armor, 7 Dexterity
Offering Received: Canopic Jar
Laurels Received: 4
Wren brought back a raspberry zigzori pup!
2025-02-25 05:41:46
Feature Comment
AutumnDarkCloud Staff Member
Long Lit: 2400-3200
Turn 1: Miss! Enemy hit for 55 damage!
Turn 2: Inflicted 79 damage and stunned the enemy! Enemy stunned!
Turn 3: Inflicted 24 damage and stunned the enemy! Enemy stunned!
Enemy hit for 55 damage! Win!
This ketucari gets 14 Gold and 9 rolls from Battle Loot Table K!
Stats Gained: 9 Strength, 6 Strength
Offering Received: Canopic Jar
Laurels Received: 2
Wren brought back a raspberry zigzori pup!
2025-02-17 08:12:54
Feature Comment