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Domain Guardian
Zone Details

These subzones may be claimed by packs!
Domain Guardian: guro
250 adventures must be made in this zone before it can be raided. This number is reduced per ketucari in an adventure image, not per image.
Check the zone status page here!
Ketucari with the Thick Skin skill can find treasure chests here!
Ketucari cannot adventure here without the Thick Skin skill or a protective item.
Beginner Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Medium Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Harsh Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops
Toresul (all colors)
Mithril Ore
Capacitor (increased chance)
Semiconductor (increased chance)
Energy core
Golden Chalice Pieces 1-8
Timeworn Skull Pieces 1-10
Dylana Statuette Pieces 1-10
tentacle turmoil
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by ketucari pursuing the Greheli attunement.
Gaura says:
"I'm always one for showing off what us greheli users can do, but this... this is just plain irritating! Of course Guro wold show up and block our path through Antikutan's barrier just as we're about to leave! It's going to be up to us and distract those tentacles of his while the rest of our gathering party escapes with our loot. The noise he's making is bound to have the rest of Antikutan's monsters at our backs in no time, so we've got to hurry!"
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
5 Morban, 5 Mithril Ore
Haste Skill (Optional)
Honor Path
• Depict your ketucari using their haste skill to distract Guro and stay out of reach of his tentacles while their companions escape.Notoriety Path
• One of the gathering party members has managed to get themselves snatched up by Guro's tentacles. Your ketucari could rescue them, but that'd take a lot more effort than just taking the loot from their corpse and getting past the barrier. Depict your ketucari taking the loot and using their haste skill to make it to safety.mind games
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by ketucari pursuing the Talik attunement.
Ravi says:
"Hey you, I see you're fit enough to stand your ground, so I'll give you a few tips on how to move around this place. I need someone to help me with some excursions for resources here. Is that a yes? Alright, what's most important is to remember that most creatures here do not behave like the mortal creatures. Brute force won't do you much good-- even if you rip all of their limbs off, they will still crawl restlessly for a taste of your blood and their horrible screeches will just attract more of them. You will discover that subtlety can determine who wins the fight, especially against a stronger rival! Now go get one of those alseers. Remember that using physical attacks wont be of any use, as they will see you coming at every turn with their multiple eyes around their body."
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
5 Morban, 5 Mithril Ore
Confuse Skill (Optional)
Honor Path
• Depict you ketucari manipulating electromagnetic fields around the alseer, addling their brain and using their own force against them.Notoriety Path
• Watching the alseer attack itself in confusion is not fun enough or your ketucari. Maybe they can take an eye or two as trophy, that creature's got too many anyway!advanced target practice
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by ketucari pursuing the Dasrah attunement.
Rufio says:
"Dasrah users are the best bet against the monsters of Antikutan, as you'll soon come to find. Our abilities can quickly render the creatures immobile by taking out a leg or two... or three. And as for the guardian of this place, Guro, well... if you're looking to brush up your talents, there's your target practice. If you find Guro, which shouldn't be too hard, try directing your magic to sever some of his tentacles. I hear the pieces are worth quite a lot with the right buyer. Just try not to get snatched up in the process."
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
5 Morban, 5 Mithril Ore
Deconstruct Skill (Optional)
Depict your ketucari engaging Guro in battle and using their deconstruct skill to render his tentacles useless.
race to the cure
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by elder ketucari.
Nila says:
"A sickness has been spreading through our pack's young. We suspect it was brought back by a group that recently returned from an expedition to Lucedar. We've seen nothing like it before. The good news is that one of our allies from Pack Lekos is here in Darsha, an apothecary named Ashoka. If we can get one of the afflicted cubs to him, he can study the symptoms and find a cure. The bad news... the quickest way to Ashoka's camp is through Antikutan. A swift volunteer will need to carry one of the cubs safely across Antikutan and to Ashoka's camp as soon as possible. Travel lightly, avoid the demons of Antikutan, and above all, keep that cub safe."
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
Strong Herbal Brew
Guardian Skill (Optional)
Depict your ketucari either transporting the sick cub through Antikutan or delivering the cub to Ashoka 10 in his camp.