Design Guides: Ground Rules
• Do not try to abuse marking ranges to create a pseudo-version of colors/markings your ketucari does not have.
• The base coat should always be immediately recognizable, as should markings. The only exception is if the ketucari has piebald or melanistic pastel covering their markings.
• Admins reserve the right to clarify the design guides at any time, especially if there is a pending design that makes us aware of loopholes or badly worded guidelines.
Looking for a particular gene? Press CTRL+F and type it in the search bar!
Markings with pass rates of 45% or greater are common, between 20% and 40% inclusive uncommon, and 19% or less rare. More information here.
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Thin Fur (links to Jaw Types, Eye Color, and Skin Color)
Feather Types and PSDs
Bald Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Fantail Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Frizzle Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Harpy Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Jacobin Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Lucerne Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Nicobar Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Phoenix Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Silkie Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Smooth Feather Base | Ryno | Danuoc | Ketixi | Garoch |
Build Specific Rules
- Danuoc scales and fins follow skin rules.
- Danuoc spines follow horn rules.
- Ketixi fins and spines follow skin rules. Mutations follow the mutation rules, check for details
- Garoch plates and thagomizers follow horn rules
Base Colors, Color Modifiers, and Mutations
Base Colors
Modifiers (Dun)
Carnelian Bases (nCr/CrCr) (20%)
Emerald Bases (nEm/EmEm) (20%)
Flaxen Bases (nFx/FxFx) (20%)
Ocean Bases (nOc/OcOc) (20%)
Plum Bases (nPm/PmPm) (20%)
Rose Bases (nRs/RsRs) (20%)
Smokey Bases (nSk/SkSk) (20%)
Modifiers (Glass)
Caramel Bases (nCml/CmlCml) (20%)
Colorpitch Bases (nCol/ColCol) (20%)
Ghost Bases (nGho/GhoGho) (20%)
Paradox Bases (nPx/PxPx) (20%)
Raven Bases (nRv/RvRv) (20%)
Satin Bases (nSat/SatSat) (20%)
Albinism (nA/AA) (10%)
Axanthism (nAx/AxAx) (10%)
Chimera Bases (nCma/CmaCma) (7%)
Chromata (nCrm/CrmCrm) (7%)
Erythrism (nEr/ErEr) (10%)
Flow (nFlw/FlwFlw) (10%)
Inversion (nIv/IvIv) (10%)
Leucism (nLm/LmLm) (10%)
Lintosi/Tri-Lintosi Bases (nLs/LsLs +Tri) (Base gene 7%, Tri modifier 40% when Lintosi is present)
Lutino (nLt/LtLt) (10%)
Maltese (nMal/MalMal) (10%)
Sunwashed (nSwd/SwdSwd) (10%)
White Markings
Calacatta (nCl/ClCl) (15%)Patchwork (+Pat)(20%, but requires a white marking)
Piebald (nPbl/PblPbl) (30%)
Punnett (nPun/PunPun) (15%)
Snow Blanket (nSn/SnSn) (15%)
Vitiligo (nVt/VtVt) (25%)
Bleaching (nBl/BlBl) (50%)
Blood Burst (nBb/BbBb) (50%)
Brindle (nBd/BdBd) (35%)
Chaps (nChp/ChpChp) (60%)
Charring (nChr/ChrChr) (50%)
Dapple (nDpl/DplDpl) (35%)
Dun (nDu/DuDu) (60%)
Dusky Points (nDsk/DskDsk) (60%)
Dusted (nDt/DtDt) (60%)
Ember (nEmr/Emr) (45%)
Eye Rings (nEy/EyEy) (35%)
Fading (nFd/FdFd) (50%)
Filigree (nFil/FilFil) (60%)
Frill (nFr/FrFr) (50%)
Hood (nHd/HdHd) (60%)
Hued Points (nHp/HpHp) (45%)
Inferno/Blue Inferno (nIfr/IfrIfr +B) (Base gene 35%, Blue modifier 20% when Inferno is present)
Koi (nKo/KoKo) (35%)
Lace (nLc) (50%)
Lampworked (nLwk/LwkLwk) (30%)
Marble (nMbl/MblMbl) (40%)
Melanistic Pastel (nLc+Me/LcLc+Me) (Me modifier 20% when lacing is present, requires dominant lacing)
Merle (nMr/MrMr) (25%)
Moonspots (nMs/MsMs) (30%)
Morpho (nMo/MoMo) (15%)
Mottling (nMtl/MtlMtl) (60%)
Mud (nMd/MdMd) (50%)
Oil (nO/OO) (35%)
Overcast (nOrc/OrcOrc) (40%)
Pale (nPl/PlPl) (30%)
Pangare (nPn/PnPn) (60%)
Partial (nPar/ParPar) (45%)
Plasma (nPla/PlaPla) (25%)
Plumage (nPg/PgPg) (55%)
Radiance (nRa/RaRa) (35%)
Rainstreaks (nRai/RaiRai) (40%)
Ray/Wave (nRy/RyRy +Wa) (Base gene 45%, Wave modifier 60% when Ray is present)
Ringneck (nRg/RgRg) (65%)
Roan (nRn/RnRn)(30%)
Rust (nRt/RtRt) (40%)
Sable (nSb/SbSb) (55%)
Scale Marks (nScm/ScmScm) (25%)
Segment/Unnatural Segment (nSg/SgSg +Us) (Base gene 45%, Unnatrual modifier 60% when Segment is present)
Shell (nSl/SlSl) (55%)
Shimmer (nSm/SmSm) (25%)
Silvering (nSv/SvSv) (60%)
Skink (nSkn/SknSkn) (35%)
Solaris (nSol/SolSol) (25%)
Somatic (nSo/SoSo) (25%)
Spaulder (nSpl/SplSpl) (60%)
Speckling (nSpc/SpcSpc) (60%)
Spotting (nSt/StSt) (45%)
Stamped (nSmp/SmpSmp) (50%)
Strand/Tail Rings (nSnd/SndSnd +Til) (Base gene 55%, Tail Rings modifier 70% when Strand is present)
Streak (nSrk/SrkSrk) (55%)
Striping (nSp/SpSp) (30%)
Tar Pit (nTpt/TptTpt) (50%)
Trailing (nTr/TrTr) (30%)
Vapor (nVp/VpVp)(15%)
Vent (nV/VV) (55%)
Void (nVo/VoVo) (60%)
Washout (nWt/WtWt) (60%)
Webbing (nWb/WbWb) (35%)
Wrought/Noisy Wrought (nWro/WroWro +Noi) (Base gene 40%, Noisy modifier 50% when Wrought is present)