General Rules

Tracing is welcome so long as you credit the stock provider and the stock provider has licensed their work for that use.
Otherwise, tracing is strictly prohibited.

Submitting art copyrighted by others is not permitted.

Submissions for adventures and battles are limited to one piece per day (24 hours since your last post). Hallowed Tarn pieces are limited to one piece per week. Other submissions, such as skills and quests, do not have a time-based limit.
Minimum Requirements (Literature)

Literature for group activities must be mostly relevant to the prompt. Please do not submit entries that are mostly irrelevant with only a few sentences dedicated to the actual task.

Minimum word count depends on the amount of ketucari in the piece:
1 Ketucari: 500 word minimum
2 Ketucari: 600 word minimum
3 Ketucari: 700 word minimum
4 Ketucari: 800 word minimum

Literature may not be script format.

Roleplays are permissible.

Activities may only have 4 ketucari included per piece.
Minimum Requirements (Art)

Images that do not meet the minimum background requirements may be accompanied by 300+ words to allow the piece to be rollable.