Design Approvals

Created: 19 June 2023, 02:58:56 UTC
Last updated: 2 March 2024, 03:16:37 UTC

How to Submit Designs

If you are looking to submit your ketucari's design for approval so that you can get started with the game, be sure you look here first! The link below will help you make sure the stash file is properly formatted and ready for submission!

Submitting Your Ketucari

Design Approval Rules

  • Designs must in PNG format and must retain the original dimensions of the base.Coloring the lineart is permissible, but do not make the lines crazy colors or add overbearing glow/halo effects. Lineart must be darker than the basecoat unless the filigree gene is present.
  • The original base text must be intact. Designs must be submitted by the owner, not the designer.
  • If your design needs corrections, please do not edit or delete the original stash file! Upload a separate file with the updated design.
  •  Please remove all writing that is in italics.
  • Do not add or remove any fields to this template.
  • If your ketucari has a parent that possesses the Progenitor skill, and will need additional stats entered in during creation, please be sure to mention it either in the comment itself or by adding a comment to the file.
  •  See here for guidelines on Obtaining and Applying Tokens
  • Clarification regarding the Ancestor's Blessing: Up to 3 blessings are allowed per geno.
  • Genos may not exceed 10 genes total after the application of tokens.
    • Feather types and builds do not count towards these ten genes
    • Horns DO count towards these seven genes.
  • Genos may not exceed 13 genes total after the application of blessings.
  • Modified genes such as Melanistic Pastel, Blue Inferno, or Deep Well count as one singular gene, rather than two separate ones, as of March 1st 2024
  • You must have an account on our site in order to apply items during design approval.

Minor Redesign Token Approval Rules

  1. design must remain at least 70% the same as what it was
  2. up to 3 markings can have minor edits done OR 1 marking can be completely redesigned if NO other changes are made. This includes minimal markings
  3. Exact base coat can be changed with all associated markings changing color as needed.
  4. The entire design can be "cleaned up" as long as it is clearly the same design.
  5. Chin types and horn version can change. Lineart can be colored.



Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Submit a Ketucari
Please only link one design per comment.

**Design:** [Text](Stashlinkhere)
**Proof of Ownership:** Include Cub Number
**Items Being Applied:**
**Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):** [Text](InventoryLink)
**Please set name on upload: (Optional)** place name here, we will not assume file name is ket name. (This is the name given to the Deviant Art Import)

2023-06-19 03:15:52 (Edited 2023-07-30 02:53:00)

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Design: Hana
Proof of Ownership: #2
Please set name on upload: (Optional) Hana

2024-07-22 19:17:10

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Design: Valo
Proof of Ownership: #6
Please set name on upload: (Optional) Valo

2024-07-22 19:15:20

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Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Submit a Correction
Please only link one design per comment.

**Design Old:** [Text](Stashlinkhere)
**Design New:** [Text](stashlinkhere)
**Proof of Ownership:** Include Cub Number
**Items Being Applied:**
**Your Site Inventory Link (if applying items):** [Text](InventoryLink)
**Please set name on upload: (Optional)** place name here, we will not assume file name is ket name. (This is the name given to the Deviant Art Import)

2023-06-19 03:12:42 (Edited 2023-07-30 02:53:35)

Jeska Avatar

Design Old: Old
Design New: New
Proof of Ownership: #2
Please set name on upload: (Optional) Aster

2024-04-06 04:44:38

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member



2024-04-25 03:14:20

ASimpleMoon Avatar
ASimpleMoon Staff Member

Design Old: Courier
Design New: N/A
Proof of Ownership: #2
Items Being Applied: feather wand > phoenix, from Ink // truths visage > garoch
Your Site Inventory Link (if applying items): inventory
Please set name on upload: (Optional) Courier Six

2024-04-06 03:10:14

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Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Submit a Redesign
Please only link one design per comment.

**Import**: [da import](deviantartimportlink) , [site import]( (replace "ID" with your ketucari's import id, i.e. ST-001 or KT-2043)
**Design:** [Text](Stashlinkhere)
**Designer Credit(s):**
**Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):** [Text](InventoryLinkHere)

2023-06-19 03:11:01 (Edited 2023-06-19 03:11:04)

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

sorry about the length

Import: Ghostflowers LK | Ghostflowers DA
Design: sorry about this
No Items <- please do not upload this version, it is for design approval | Without Mask <- This one goes in her images tab | With Mask <- This one goes on dA and her main import
Designer Credit(s): haha its me
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):
Lucerne Proof

List of Changes
+Armor Piercing v3
put roan on the correct layer...

2024-06-25 21:52:17

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member



2024-06-30 03:34:31

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Import: Dionysus DA , Dionysus Site
Design: Nicobar feathers!
Designer Credit(s): me still (Noirmori)
Feather quest proof:

2024-05-30 16:27:23

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Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Submit a Ketixi
Please only link one design per comment.

**Design:** [Text](Stashlinkhere)
**Proof of Ownership:**
**Items Being Applied (unlimited for ketixi, and you can use both rixixi and ketucari items):**
**Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):** [Text](InventoryLinkHere)
**Please set name on upload: (Optional)** place name here, we will not assume file name is ket name. (This is the name given to the Deviant Art Import)

2023-06-19 03:07:01 (Edited 2023-07-30 02:53:47)

jynxyz Avatar

Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied:
1x Scarification kit to remove arm frills
1x Gemcrafted Shard - Colorpitch
1x Charged Fogshard Piece (Nov. 1, 2019) to add Flourishing Display (or uh. supercharged? i think charged? whatever)
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):
Please set name on upload: Daichi

2024-04-12 22:39:27 (Edited 2024-04-12 22:39:52)

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member


2024-05-27 21:58:19

IIIXKitsuneXIII Avatar
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member

Design: EWN
Proof of Ownership:
Items Being Applied (unlimited for ketixi, and you can use both rixixi and ketucari items):
Apparel x2?
BG: Endless Field
x1 Charged Fogshard Piece Swap: Drakespines -> Long Fur (Phoenix)
x4 Charged Fogshard Piece Chrono: January 25 2020 Windstorm, Labyrinthine Lacing, flourishing display, ultraviolet
Chromatic Token
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items):
Please set name on upload: (Optional) End World Normeopathy

2023-10-26 03:03:13

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