Obtaining & Applying Tokens

Created: 6 May 2020, 23:55:23 UTC
Last updated: 19 February 2025, 19:46:23 UTC


Tokens are free-floating, unapplied genes. They are not tied to any ancestors and can be applied to un-uploaded ketucari genotypes in order to give them the specified gene.

How to Obtain Tokens

Tokens are obtainable via the following methods:

Bullet; White From reaching renowned and elder rank 

Bullet; White As prizes from group events.

Bullet; White Purchasable through an admin during occasional sales. Tokens bought from admins may be sold, traded, gifted, etc.

Bullet; White Sometimes sold by members who have purchased them from an admin sale
Bullet; White Every 5 Exalted Levels

Bullet; White From crafting at Ochredari's Forge by ketucari with at least one armorsmithing advancement.

Applying Tokens: How-to and Rules

Bullet; White Tokens may be applied to any undesigned genotype, but may only be applied to uploaded ketucari once they have reached renowned rank.

Bullet; White New genes may not be purchased as tokens until they have been out in the playerbase for 3 months. For example, if a new gene were to be made available in a Wanderer raffle, the gene would not be available as a token until 3 months after a player has won the slot and successfully bred a ketucari with the new gene (i.e., it's available within the playerbase and not just confined to starters). The only exception to this rule is if a new gene token is given out during an event.
(Wanderer Genes are made publicly purchaseable in June)

Bullet; White Applying tokens is simple! Once the token is in your hoard and your geno has been designed with the respective gene, just specify that you are using the token in the correct field of the design submission form. Once your design has been accepted, the token will be removed from your hoard. There are a few rules for tokens, however, so be sure to read them before applying your token!

Bullet; White When submitting a genotype with a token or tokens applied, please be sure to edit the phenotype and genotype to include the genes you're applying. Genotype codes for the genes can be found the gene's design page.

Bullet; White No more than 5 tokens may be used on a single genotype/upload. However, tokens may not be used to bring the genotypes total number of genes over 10. For example, if a genotype is born with 7 genes, you may only use 3 tokens on it.
Bullet; White Modified Genes such as Melanistic Pastel, Blue Inferno, or Deep Well, count as one gene, not two, as  of March 1st 2024.

Bullet; White Tokens for feather types do not exist. Tokens for Rare genes Do but can only be acquired through Bonding and Exalted levels.

Bullet; White Tokens must have an assigned gene upon obtainment. This means they cannot be generalized "common tokens" or "uncommon tokens" and must have an actual gene specified. Unassigned tokens still in circulation cannot be used for markings released after March 18th, 2017.

Bullet; White Tokens cannot be used to create dominant genes*
*except for Lacing