
• The dusted gene is a soft-edged marking that turns the underside brown.
• In your ketucari's genotype, dusted is denoted by the letters "nDt" (heterozygous) or "DtDt" (homozygous).
• In its heterozygous form, dusted has a pass rate of 60%. Homozygous dusted has a 85% pass rate
• In your ketucari's genotype, dusted is denoted by the letters "nDt" (heterozygous) or "DtDt" (homozygous).
• In its heterozygous form, dusted has a pass rate of 60%. Homozygous dusted has a 85% pass rate
Dusted must be a brown or tan color. It doesn't have to be picked from any particular base color palettes. Admins will use their own discretion when determining if a color is too far removed from the brown/tan range.