Designing: Fading

Created: 6 March 2021, 11:23:29 UTC
Last updated: 4 October 2023, 03:29:56 UTC




Fading by Matriarchs-Haunt
Bullet; White  Fading causes certain patches of the body to take on a "distressed" appearance, as if the color has been rubbed away.
Fading patches are irregularly shaped and cloudy. It is always soft-edged.
Bullet; White In your ketucari's genotype, fading is denoted by the letters "nFd" (heterozygous) or "FdFd" (homozygous).
Bullet; White In its heterozygous form, fading has a pass rate of 50%. Homozygous fading has a 75% pass rate.


Fading must be a lighter and less saturated tone of the base coat. It may even be white, but should not be used to create a pseudo-piebald ketucari. It cannot be fully desaturated and should always have some color to it.

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This is in an example of incorrect fading. Notice that, although the color is a lighter shade of the base, it is more saturated. Fading should always be slightly more desaturated than the base.


Since fading can appear anywhere on the body, there is no minimum range diagram for it. It must be extensive enough to be immediately recognizable.

Interaction with Other Markings

Bullet; White Fading must go over all markings except silvering and white marks. It can be layered under or over silvering.

Fading, Silvering, and Bleaching: A Comparison

Examples by Matriarchs-Haunt
Source 1Source 2Source 3

Bullet; White Fading may combine with Pangare to produce an effect called Sugar Pangare.
Bullet; White Mottling may be included in this interaction, but Mottling and Fading cannot create sugar pangare without pangare.
Bullet; White Sugar pangare is effectively cloudy-edged Pangare with mottling mixed in.
Bullet; White If this combination is used, whichever gene Pangare is combining with cannot display outside of Pangare's range. (So if you have all three genes and choose to use Sugar Pangare, the design can have Sugar Pangare + Mottling, Sugar Pangare + Fading, or just Sugar Pangare).
Sugarpangers by Matriarchs-Haunt


Here are some small accents you can add to your designs to make them more unique!

Bullet; White Fading spots may have a subtle gradient, like below:
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