While we allow some minor stylization in markings, we do have limitations against them looking too much like tattoos. To help show what we're looking for, here are some common "symbols" players like to include in their designs and how to make them passable.
The key to incorporating moderately stylized symbols in your designs is to give them slightly irregular, natural looking edges.
When it comes to edges, be sure to follow the soft/hard specifications of the marking when stylizing.
If you purchase tattoo ink from the marketplace, you can get away with further stylizing basic shapes by using the tattoo ink to accentuate them.
The key to incorporating moderately stylized symbols in your designs is to give them slightly irregular, natural looking edges.
When it comes to edges, be sure to follow the soft/hard specifications of the marking when stylizing.
Modification with Tattoo Ink
If you purchase tattoo ink from the marketplace, you can get away with further stylizing basic shapes by using the tattoo ink to accentuate them.