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Domain Guardian
Zone Details

These subzones may be claimed by packs!
Before the main path through the ravine can be accessed, one must navigate through a tunnel carved straight through one of the mountains. Gigantic icicles hang from the ceiling the ground is slick with ice.
The Eastern Ridge
The east wall of the ravine. The land beyond these cliffs is more readily accessible due to old bridges, stairs, and dwellings built into it. It connects to Jordskarn.
The Western Ridge
The west wall of the ravine. With the northern Blasting Moors on the other side, the Western Ridge is more rugged and difficult to navigate. However, it has more game due to having less traffic.
Foralkin Lodge
This massive hunting lodge was built into a gap in the Eastern Ridge. Hibridi nobles still come here from time to time in order to hunt big game. It would take someone very brash to try and claim the lodge as their own.
Broken Bone Rift
Before travelers can reach the Kanibar Snowfields, they must pass through one last obstacle. This narrow canyon is notorious for avalanches, rock slides, and mysterious crevices -- big enough to swallow a grown ketucari -- that appear and disappear at random. A death trap for the unlucky? Sure. A greheli user's neverending arsenal? Definitely.
Domain Guardian: dRAIEN
200 adventures must be made in this zone before it can be raided. This number is reduced per ketucari in an adventure image, not per image.
Check the zone status page here!
Beginner Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Medium Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Harsh Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops
Toresul (all colors)
Mithril Ore
Capacitor (increased chance)
Semiconductor (increased chance)
Energy core
Golden Chalice Pieces 1-8
Timeworn Skull Pieces 1-10
Dylana Statuette Pieces 1-10
Required Armor: 600

Vanna says:
"Aegrus is the most brutal continent in Velukaelo. There are many things here, natural and not, that want to kill you. The biggest obstacle you must overcome is the environment itself... though there is also magic to be had here. Deep in the Ravine, there's a waterfall and a pool said to be blessed-- or cursed-- by Zarakali. Rumor has it that if you submerge yourself in those frigid waters until you're near death, one of two things will happen. If you're lucky, the water spirits of this region will push you to the surface and, from then on, will assist you whenever you're in dire straights. If not, they'll drag you to the bottom and hold you there until you drown."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
Explorer's Spirit
Second Wind Skill (Optional)
Depict your ketucari visiting the waters Vanna spoke about and taking part in the water spirits' test.
Required Armor: 600
Draien says:
"So, you're a pretty decent hunter... but how are you when the roles are swapped? If you can evade me for a full day, I'll give you a boon in return for the entertainment. If not, you'll at least have the honor of being a trophy in my lair. I'll even give you a head start."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
5 Large Claw, 5 Tough Horn, 6 Iron Ore
Formidable Skill (Optional)
Honor Path
• Depict your ketucari navigating the Ravine to escape Draien, using nothing but their own craftiness.Notoriety Path
• Depict your ketucari distracting Draien from her pursuit of them by using an innocent animal or person as a diversion.oPEN SEASON
Required Armor: 600
Draien says:
"You look like an interesting plaything. I've seen your type hanging around those barbarians that frequent this area. Famed for your skill in hunting, are you? We'll see about that. Why don't you show me what you've got? If you live up to your peoples' reputation I might consider giving you a small token to help you on your travels."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
5 Tough Horn, 5 Leather Scrap, Tattoo ink
Hunter Skill (Optional)
Honor Path
• Depict your ketucari impressing Draien by hunting and taking down one of the Ferokk Ravine's fauna.Notoriety Path
• Depict your ketucari impressing Draien by hunting and taking down a person. You can use any of the races shown HERE, or take artistic liberties with ones not pictured.