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Domain Guardian
Zone Details
These subzones may be claimed by packs!
Domain Guardian: mumotsu
250 adventures must be made in this zone before it can be raided. This number is reduced per ketucari in an adventure image, not per image.
Check the zone status page here!
Ketucari with the Keen Sight skill can find treasure chests here!
Ketucari cannot adventure here without the Keen Sight skill or a protective item.
Beginner Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Medium Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Harsh Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops
Toresul (all colors)
Mithril Ore
Capacitor (increased chance)
Semiconductor (increased chance)
Energy core
Golden Chalice Pieces 1-8
Timeworn Skull Pieces 1-10
Dylana Statuette Pieces 1-10
A Slimy situation
Required Armor: 600

Raharjo says:
"Well, it was bound to happen sometime... some dolt wandered into this cavern without the necessary equipment, shouting something about scoring some cave 'shrooms. They should have been back by now, but with all the creepy-crawlies in there, I wouldn't be surprised if something happened to them. I would go find them myself, but I think it'd be more humbling if a scrub like you went and brought them back. I've got some Mumotsu slime here from the last time we faced off against her ugly mug. Spreading it on you should keep mostly everything away, but hey-- no promises. Bring that idiot back, dead or alive, and I'll make it worth your while."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
5 Venom Extract, 5 Banukel, 5 Flask
Stealth Skill (Optional)
Depict your (slime-coated) ketucari venturing into the cavern after the errant adventurer without disturbing Mumotsu, or anything else for that matter!
dangerous games
Required Armor: 600
Mumotsu says:
"Think you can go sneaking about my territory, hmm? Well, I've caught you, you disgusting little wretch! It's a shame I'm not hungry right now... though I could always save you for later.... hmm... how about we play a game instead? If you win, I'll let you go. I'll even let you choose which game we play, how about that, you ugly vermin? One, I'll cast an illusion to make you see several of me. Identify which one is the real me and you'll be free to go. Two, you will stay here for a few days and help me chase down and trap other vermin like yourself who pass through here. Whoever gets the most kills after three days will win."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
Cloaking Draught (Honor Path), Battle Scars & 5 Venom Extract (Notoriety Path)
Observant Skill (Optional)
Honor Path
• Depict your ketucari accepting Mumotsu's proposition to play a game of Illusion.Notoriety Path
• Depict your ketucari taking the second option by playing a killing game with Mumotsu.