
Created: 9 April 2021, 11:06:11 UTC
Last updated: 24 November 2023, 00:20:51 UTC

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Domain Guardian

Zone Details

Inspirational Images: 
Jordskarn is an alpine region in the continent of Aegrus. It consist of mountains, valleys, montane forests, pristine lakes, and fjords nestled in the high cliffs. Jordskarn was once home to tribes of Jordskar people, who were driven out by Hibridi barbarians. Ruins of these lost people can still be found in Jordskarn, as well as relics and magical items. Though beautiful in the summer, winters in Jordskarn can be fatally harsh.



These subzones may be claimed by packs!
Deep in the hills of Jordskarn, Volbrekka was once a prosperous Jordskar village before its residents were wiped out by Hibridi. The village's wood-and-stone buildings still stand, sentinels on the hillside waiting to shelter new inhabitants.
Svalnar Wood
This is an area of dense temperate broadleaf forestland at the feet of Jordskarn's mountains. 
Asgarssen's Vault
A network of abandoned mines, Asgarssen's Vault was once used by the miner and inventor Asgarssen to hide Jordskar who were fleeing from the Hibridi. Without Asgarssen's help, entering the twisting mines was suicide. It is said that in addition to still containing unclaimed riches, the mine is still guarded by Asgarssen's now masterless automatons-- some of which are rumored to be metal giants that lurk in the larger caverns.
Boromire Lakes
Their name translating to "Brother Lakes", the Boromire Lakes are two of the largest lakes in Velukaelo and are located in close proximity to each other. They are named for the god brothers Asli and Anti. While they are close to each other, the two lakes have drastically different ecosystems. The southernmost of the lakes (commonly referred to as the Asli Lake) is far more hospitable, supporting abundant aquatic life as well as providing water for the surrounding animals. Its twin, the Anti Lake, is highly alkaline and is home to very few creatures.
In Jordskar lore, Jordraugn was a god in ancient times who gained power by sucking the life from the land. The Jordskar begged the other gods for help, and they answered by transforming Jordraugn into a gigantic tree that towered hundreds of feet above the surrounding canopy. The tree still stands near the cliffs bordering one of Jordskarn's fjords. The land around the tree as well as the tree itself have a mystical aura about them that has spawned many more legends among the Jordskar. Over the years, Jordraugn's trunk has been carved with mysterious runes and pictographs.

Domain Guardian: Bjorgrim

Bjorgrim is an ancient being that roams Jordskarn, watching and protecting all nature. His long legs and gnarled feet let him traverse over any terrain, whether it be rocky mountains or marshy deltas. Not much is known about where he came from, but there are a few legends that have been passed around in the human villages. One of these say that he used to be a primitive hunter that killed for sport and never thanked anyone for his prosperity. He was mauled by an unknown entity and was then raised to guard nature instead of destroy it. Others say that he was born of the land itself, imbued with its power. No one knows for sure and most refuse to get close enough to ask. No one has ever seen him use his magic, but his gashes and body radiate with it. Only the fearless have ever had any kind of conversation with this massive ancient and every one of them had sworn an oath to never speak of what was said. His secrets will remain just that... secret.
He is majestic, yet terrifying to see walking towards you. Bones protrude from many places on skin and moss hangs from his body. His feet are one of his oddest traits. One main hoof and a claw make up the front of the foot, while a smaller hoof in the back helps balance him when walking in tough places. The whole foot is raised up off the ground, making navigating through water and mud easy. He will not harm anyone unless he perceives them as a threat to nature.
DG courtesy of WiIdpaws


250 adventures must be made in this zone before it can be raided. This number is reduced per ketucari in an adventure image, not per image.
Check the zone status page here!

Beginner Resources 

Battle Fauna
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Reaping Drops
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Snow CapSnow Cap Shyl   Frostberry   Leafy Greens  Chunk of Meat  Medium Chunk of Meat (rare)  Small Claw  Brittle Horn  Leather Scrap   Heavy Bone
Prospecting Drops
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 Heldyrite (all colors)   Copper Ore    Glass    Gear    Shaft    Wire   Capacitor (rare)   Semiconductor (rare)   Stone Tablet Pieces 1-4    Ancient Medallion Pieces 1-3   Figure of Eirian Pieces 1-4

Medium Resources 

Battle Fauna
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Reaping Drops
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Kelem Whitsul   Betta Meat   Onion  Medium Chunk of Meat  Large Chunk of Meat (rare)  Large Claw  Tough Horn Leather Scrap  Venom Extract
Prospecting Drops
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  Naliem (all colors)  Iron Ore Capacitor  Semiconductor  Energy core (rare) Bearing (rare) Clay Statue Pieces 1-6  Tattered Scroll Pieces 1-8 Figure of Verdani Pieces 1-6   Headdress of Okianis Pieces 1-6

Harsh Resources 

Battle Fauna
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Reaping Drops
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  Dramos   Danios    Frostberry (increased chance)   Betta Meat (increased chance)   Medium Chunk of Meat  Large Chunk of Meat   Sharp Fang Hardened Scale Leather Scrap Vial of Blood
Prospecting Drops
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  Toresul (all colors) Mithril Ore Capacitor (increased chance) Semiconductor (increased chance) Energy core  Bearing Golden Chalice Pieces 1-8

 Timeworn Skull Pieces 1-10  Dylana Statuette Pieces 1-10



It's Just a Loan

Required Armor: 50

Sirahn says:
"This area is crawling with barbarians and bandits. If you want to survive, you have to be crafty. Bet you can't sneak into one of these villages and take some goodies without anyone catching you!"
Quest Rewards:
5 Gold
5 Copper Ore, Trinket
Sly Skill (Optional)
Depict your ketucari sneaking into a village in Jordskarn and trying to steal an item from a house or supply cart.


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