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Domain Guardian
Zone Details
These subzones may be claimed by packs!
This is a ravine that was formed by a river running from the highland. Run-off from the volcano has intermixed ash with the water of this river, turning its contents a deep black color.
The Ashwood
This temperate forest takes up much of Kandriya, running from the foot of the highland and down toward the coast. It is sometimes coated with a layer of ash due to the volcanic activity in the highland.
The Barren Stretch
A rocky, mountainous area between the highland and the Ashwood. Sparse plant life supports a few hardy herbivores who are equipped to navigate the cliffs.
Grove of Tanqorah
Technically a part of the Ashwood, this area is more verdant than the rest of the forest and is the place where Tanqorah is most often seen.
The Gray Coast
A hilly prairie that extends from the Ashwood to the beach of Kandriya.
Domain Guardian: tanqorah
250 adventures must be made in this zone before it can be raided. This number is reduced per ketucari in an adventure image, not per image.
Check the zone status page here!
Ketucari with the Aquatic skill can find treasure chests here!
Beginner Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Medium Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Harsh Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops
Toresul (all colors)
Mithril Ore
Capacitor (increased chance)
Semiconductor (increased chance)
Energy core
Golden Chalice Pieces 1-8
Timeworn Skull Pieces 1-10
Dylana Statuette Pieces 1-10
Just warming up
Required Armor: 600
Yika says:
"You there! Come here! I need your help, and you might just learn a thing or two while you're at it. A few of our pack members sustained some grievous injuries during our last battle. I'm going to have to burn some of these wounds closed if they have any hope of pulling through. Luckily for us, this land is full of fire. I can teach you how it's done if you'd like, but it's not for the faint of heart."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
Superior healing potion x5
Cauterize Skill (Optional)
Depict your ketucari learning how to cauterize wounds. The tools they use and the afflicted ketucari they practice on are up to you.
path of destruction
Required Armor: 600
Tanqorah says:
"While this land often has trouble with fortune seekers, the natives aren't so bad. In fact, I sometimes consider them allies... thus it unsettles me to know that there is a lava flow heading straight for their village. I think I may be able to stop it, but I will need your help. If we succeed, I'll make sure to compensate you for your efforts."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
6 Iron Ore, 6 Random Naliem
Savage Skill (Optional)
Honor Path
• Depict your ketucari choosing to help Tanqorah by warning the villagers or helping her control the lava flow. If you choose the latter option, Tanqorah will give your ketucari temporary control over fire in order to assist her.Notoriety Path
• Depict your ketucari choosing to decline Tanqorah's request for assistance. The villagers were probably barring their path to the riches of the highland, anyways. You may show them watching the village burn from afar.Fire Within
Required Armor: 600
Tanqorah says:
"Many men come to ravage this land of its resources. Sometimes it is too much for even me to oversee, and the land buckles under their greed. Many ships have recently arrived and men have made their camps on the beach. I suspect they plan to head for the highland to strip it of its ore and gems, but on their journey across Kandriya they will destroy many animals and forestland. If you are willing, I temporarily grant you the power of the berserker so that you may help me drive them away. Fire and rage will burn through your veins and you will become stronger than ten of your kind. I only hope you aren't the type who would abuse such power."
Quest Rewards:
10 Gold
Raw Hate, 6 Iron Ore
Rage Skill (Optional)
Honor Path
• Depict your ketucari using Tanqorah's gift to drive away the invaders, destroy their machines, or destroy their camps.Notoriety Path
• Depict your ketucari using Tanqorah's gift to pursue their own ends rather than helping her. You may take liberties with this!