Zones do not have unlimited resources. On the zone status page, you will notice that each zone has a threshold of 250. Each time someone Adventures or battles in that zone, the resources will be depleted a little bit more until finally the counter for a zone reaches the 250 threshold. When it gets to this point, the zone's resources are completely depleted and it will be impossible to bring back anything from it. Restoring the zone's resources requires a zone reset. Basically, it requires a team to assemble and take down the zone's Domain Guardian in a Raid. If the DG is successfully vanquished, in addition to there not being KO's for a time, all of the zone's resources will be replenished.
As of June 2021, All battles add 1 to the zone resource depletion count. Adventures add to it based on tiers. Beginner adventures add 1, medium adventures add 2, and harsh adventures add 3.
When do raids happen and what can I get from them?
Raid sign-ups will be posted soon after a zone is depleted. All members may enter raids and may take part in the raid as soon as their sign up is confirmed by an admin. Raids cannot run concurrently. If 2 zones were to become depleted at the same time, one zone would have to wait until the other raid is completed before its own raid could commence.
Raid Prizes
Since raids require a lot of effort, the prizes for a successful one are bountiful! Different domain guardians will drop different legendary items, which you can find on their respective pages. They will also drop legendary artifacts, accessories exclusive to that guardian, and pet versions of the guardian called vestiges. Exact items that domain guardians drop from raids can be found by navigating to their zone and clicking their portrait, which will take you to their information page. Additionally, all of the resources for that zone will be replenished, and there will be a 1 wmonth KO free period for all players in the game, not just those who took part in the raid. You may earn additional item rolls by completing bonuses, found below!Lastly, titles/achievements for individual ketucari are also available as raid prizes! Titles are nifty monikers than can be attached to your ketucari's name and are exclusive to that ketucari. These can be won by accomplishing feats such as dealing high amounts of damage or healing your teammates.
What is the basic process for raids?
1. The zone hits depletion and becomes closed for all adventures and battles that take place there.
2. An admin will post the official raid journal and a raid sign up sheet (requirements for participating ketucari can be found below). Players can immediately sign up and begin participating.
3. Participants will submit pieces (requirements below) which will be rolled in the same fashion as battles. Each piece will deduct HP from the boss.
4. When the boss's HP is depleted or the month time limit is up, the raid will end and prizes will be handed out.
How long do raids last and how can my ketucari participate?
Raids last a maximum of 1 month, although this can vary. A raid will end either a) when the 1 month time limit is up or b) when the boss's HP hits zero.
Your ketucari can take participate as a fighter, a medic, or a support. Fighters and medics both get the same number of item rolls as the risk they take by participating is higher.
Fighters are the ketucari who are actually battling the domain guardian and using their attack skills. The medic role is reserved for ketucari who have the cauterize skill. Their only function in the battle is to heal their teammates using cauterize. An individual player may have 4 fighter ketucari OR 3 fighters and 1 medic for a total of four participating ketucari per raid. No more than one medic per player is allowed due to how much of a game-changer they can be! Medics can heal up to 2 ketucari per turn, for 10% of their (the medic's) base armor. Medics are allowed to heal ANY participating ketucari, not just ketucari in the same piece as them. Fighters and medics are both subject to getting KO'ed during the battle.
During sign-ups, you will be able to specify a maximum of 5 items per ketucari to use in the raid. These items will be removed from your hoard and entered into the raid database as your ketucari's inventory. All items that are unused by the end of the raid will be returned to your hoard.
Participants are welcome to sign up and jump into the fray at any point in the raid!
Supports are ketucari who are not directly participating in the battle, but are working to gather resources to help out. Since supports cannot be KO'ed during the battle, they do not get as many prize item rolls. The support role is excellent for ketucari who's personality would prevent them from participating in the battle, or ketucari who are underleveled. Players who are already participating with fighter/medic ketucari may have 1 support, while players with no fighter/medic ketucari may have 4 supports.
How do I enter my ketucari as a fighter/medic?
Pieces follow the same format as battles. You will be required to list out 1 skill and/or item that your ketucari will be using during the battle. Once you have signed up for the raid and received your confirmation, you may begin creating pieces to take down the boss.
Requirements for players/participating ketucari:
• You must own the ketucari you use in the raid. No leasing from other playes is allowed*.• Participating ketucari must have at least 1 battle skill.
• Participating ketucari must be at 100% armor.
• Participating ketucari may not participate in any adventures, Tarns, quests, skill unlocks or battles for the duration of the raid.
• *As of March 2022 Starters may be leased from the group for players with 3 or less "battle ready" ketucari.
Requirements for Leasing starters:
• Anyone with 3 or less "battle ready" ketucari may lease 1-2 starters to use in the raid.• "Battle ready" means the ketucari has at least one battle skill, so if you have 4 uploaded ketucari but only two have battle skills, you will still qualify.
• To lease a starter you simply need to make a colored headshot or bust of the starter you wish to lease, or write 100+ words about them learning about the raid, wanting to help, etc, and link that piece when signing up for the raid. They will then join your team for the duration of the raid!
• When signing up for the raid please include a loadout of 4 skills for the starter you're using. These 4 skills must all be of the same attunement and should match the attunement listed on the starter's import.
• The skills chosen can be any 4 skills in the starter's attunement and these are the four skills the starter will be able to use in battle.
• Alternatively, a starter may be used as a medic instead of a fighter and in that case you will just list cauterize as their skill loadout.
• When submitting for prizes at the end of the raid starters will count as elder but will not earn titles.
• Starters are first come first serve and the same starter cannot be used by multiple people.
Requirements for entry pieces:
• Sexual content is not allowed for raid entries.• You may submit 1 raid piece for your fighters and medic per day for the first two weeks of the raid. If the raid extends beyond 2 weeks, the submission limit will be lifted and you can submit as many pieces as you like.
• Literature entries must be at least 100 words and be centered around your ketucari engaging in the battle. The boss should play a role in the story.
• Art entries, at minimum, should be loose, uncolored sketches with the hint of a background resembling the respective zone. They do not require shading. The boss must be at least 50% visible.
• There is a maximum of 4 ketucari per piece. Collaborations are allowed, and all players' ketucari must be present - this can override the 4 ketucari limit.
• To submit a piece, please use the Raid- Fighter or Raid- Medic prompts on the ketucari website for each ketucari in the piece.
• A seperate submission needs to be made for each ketucari in the piece and they will each need a form from below attached with their actions, as well as a link to both their DA import and Ketucari site import.
• The entire raid team must be present in the raid piece (with the exception of Support, which should be in their own piece). If a ketucari is KO'd, they do not have to appear in subsequent pieces.
For Fighters:
Import Link:
Skill 1/Potion Used:
Skill 2:
Skill 3:
If using a skill that allows for more than one attack, include your additional moves here should it land:
Skill 4:
Skill 4:
Skill 5:
For Medics:
Import Link:
1st Ketucari Healed/Potion Used:
2nd Ketucari Healed/Potion Used:
Art/literature pieces that exhibit high quality compared to the rest of your gallery (up to admin discretion) will give your ketucari a 10% damage bonus on top of their regular attacks!
Here are some examples of the minimum requirement for art:

For Medics:
Import Link:
1st Ketucari Healed/Potion Used:
2nd Ketucari Healed/Potion Used:
Art/literature pieces that exhibit high quality compared to the rest of your gallery (up to admin discretion) will give your ketucari a 10% damage bonus on top of their regular attacks!What does (or does not) count in a raid entry?
Here are some examples of the minimum requirement for art:

Click on each image to find out why (or why not) it would be an acceptable raid entry! We are lenient with the '50% of the boss' rule, so long as they are a major enough feature of the entry. For example, if they were removed from the image entirely, would it be majorly affected? If so, it is likely an acceptable entry! And when in doubt, feel free to ask an admin!

How do I enter my ketucari as a support?
Supports may not be subject to the same risks as fighter and medic ketucari, but they can provide overall bonuses to the raid that can drastically change its course! Support bonuses work on a tier system. The more support pieces there are during the raid, the better the bonuses. Once a bonus tier is reached, it will last for the duration of the battle. Here are the bonus tiers:
Tier One
Enough resources have been gathered to build defenses and shelters! When the total number of support pieces reaches 5, the boss will deal less damage to the fighters.
Tier Two
Enough resources have been gathered to assist the medics! When the total number of support pieces reaches 10, medics will receive a boost to the effects of their healing.
Tier Three
Enough resources have been gathered to supply the fighters with better weaponry and field traps! When the total number of support pieces reaches 15, the fighters will deal bonus damage.
Requirements for players/participating ketucari:
• Each player may submit one support piece a day, and it must feature the same ketucari every time.• If you have multiple supports entered you can swap which support(s) is used or include them all, but they must be the same ones listed when signing up.
• You must own the ketucari you use in the raid. No leasing is allowed.
• You are allowed to enter one support ketucari if you have fighters/medics already participating in the raid. If you have no fighters/medics, you may participate with four support ketucari.
• Support pieces can count as an adventure once the zone reopens as long as they meet adventure requirements.
• Raid pieces may not be commissioned.
• Literature entries must be at least 100 words and be centered around your ketucari gathering resources (gathering food, healing herbs, wood, etc.) to help with the battle.
• Art entries, at minimum, should be loose, uncolored sketches with the hint of a background resembling the respective zone. They do not require shading.
• What your ketucari is doing is up to you! Are they collecting wood or herbs to assist the raid? Using magic to allow enhance or protect the fighters? Keep in mind however, that your ketucari should not be depicted battling the boss or healing the fighters (as that falls under fighter/medic participation), and it should be clear that your ketucari is supporting the raid. In other words, no showing off your magic in an empty field!
• There is a maximum of 4 ketucari per piece. Collaborations are allowed.
If the fighters are successful in defeating the domain guardian, prizes will be handed out as soon as possible after the defeat. All of the zone resources will be replenished, and there will be a 1 month KO free period for all players in the game, not just those who took part in the raid. Ketucari who participated will be free to begin taking part in other group activities once more.
Meeting certain damage goals and including pack members in pieces can increase the number of item rolls participants received.
If the battle was a failure, all of the participating ketucari will be KOed. The zone will open back up with 20% of its original resources. Each ketucari who participated will receive two item rolls.
If your ketucari is KO'ed before the raid ends, they will only be eligible to receive two item rolls when the raid ends.
There are several items and objectives you can use to increase your raid success and get more loot!
Please note: To qualify for raid loot you need to have participated in the raid and submitted a minimum of either 3 sketch pieces and/or 3 100 word entries, OR at least 1 fully rendered (meets group requirements) piece of art or lit.
• Depicting your ketucari in animal form (earned via a Small Flip Coin or WaLoS) will grant a 20% increase to dexterity per piece.
• Pack weapons can be activated if at least one player with a raid-entered ketucari in a pack depicts their ketucari and at least one other pack member interacting with weapons in some way (brandishing them, carrying them, setting them up, etc). Once Pack Weapons have been activated, humanoid forms get a 20% damage boost and missed attacks have a 50% chance to be corrected (doom is simply rerolled instead of having a 50% chance to be fixed).
• Support ketucari get 1 item roll and between 80-110 gold
• KO'ed ketucari get 2 item rolls and between 80-100 gold. This is also the prize roll for all participants should a raid fail.
• Fighter and medic ketucari who complete the raid without being KO'ed get 4 item rolls and between 80-110 gold.
Additional Rewards:
• Depicting a pack mate in at least 2 raid images (pack mate does not have to be rolled or even signed up for the raid to count): +1 item roll per ketucari you have in the raid
• Dealing damage equal to 3% of the boss's total health: +1 item roll for the ketucari who dealt the damage
• Renowned ketucari: +1 item roll
• Elder ketucari: +1 item roll (stacks with renowned bonus roll)
• You must own the ketucari you use in the raid. No leasing is allowed.
• You are allowed to enter one support ketucari if you have fighters/medics already participating in the raid. If you have no fighters/medics, you may participate with four support ketucari.
• Support pieces can count as an adventure once the zone reopens as long as they meet adventure requirements.
• Raid pieces may not be commissioned.
Requirements for entry pieces:
• Sexual content is not allowed for raid entries.• Literature entries must be at least 100 words and be centered around your ketucari gathering resources (gathering food, healing herbs, wood, etc.) to help with the battle.
• Art entries, at minimum, should be loose, uncolored sketches with the hint of a background resembling the respective zone. They do not require shading.
• What your ketucari is doing is up to you! Are they collecting wood or herbs to assist the raid? Using magic to allow enhance or protect the fighters? Keep in mind however, that your ketucari should not be depicted battling the boss or healing the fighters (as that falls under fighter/medic participation), and it should be clear that your ketucari is supporting the raid. In other words, no showing off your magic in an empty field!
• There is a maximum of 4 ketucari per piece. Collaborations are allowed.
• To submit a piece, please use the Raid- Support prompt on the ketucari website for each ketucari in the piece.
• A seperate submission needs to be made for each ketucari in the piece and they will each need a link to both their DA import and import included.
What happens after the raid?
If the fighters are successful in defeating the domain guardian, prizes will be handed out as soon as possible after the defeat. All of the zone resources will be replenished, and there will be a 1 month KO free period for all players in the game, not just those who took part in the raid. Ketucari who participated will be free to begin taking part in other group activities once more.
Meeting certain damage goals and including pack members in pieces can increase the number of item rolls participants received.
If the battle was a failure, all of the participating ketucari will be KOed. The zone will open back up with 20% of its original resources. Each ketucari who participated will receive two item rolls.
If your ketucari is KO'ed before the raid ends, they will only be eligible to receive two item rolls when the raid ends.
Raid Bonuses and Loot
There are several items and objectives you can use to increase your raid success and get more loot!
Please note: To qualify for raid loot you need to have participated in the raid and submitted a minimum of either 3 sketch pieces and/or 3 100 word entries, OR at least 1 fully rendered (meets group requirements) piece of art or lit.
Damage Bonuses
• Depicting your ketucari in their god form (earned via a Large Flip Coin or lineage skills) will grant a 20% increase to their strength per piece.• Depicting your ketucari in animal form (earned via a Small Flip Coin or WaLoS) will grant a 20% increase to dexterity per piece.
• Pack weapons can be activated if at least one player with a raid-entered ketucari in a pack depicts their ketucari and at least one other pack member interacting with weapons in some way (brandishing them, carrying them, setting them up, etc). Once Pack Weapons have been activated, humanoid forms get a 20% damage boost and missed attacks have a 50% chance to be corrected (doom is simply rerolled instead of having a 50% chance to be fixed).
Reward Roll Bonuses
Base Rewards:• Support ketucari get 1 item roll and between 80-110 gold
• KO'ed ketucari get 2 item rolls and between 80-100 gold. This is also the prize roll for all participants should a raid fail.
• Fighter and medic ketucari who complete the raid without being KO'ed get 4 item rolls and between 80-110 gold.
Additional Rewards:
• Depicting a pack mate in at least 2 raid images (pack mate does not have to be rolled or even signed up for the raid to count): +1 item roll per ketucari you have in the raid
• Dealing damage equal to 3% of the boss's total health: +1 item roll for the ketucari who dealt the damage
• Renowned ketucari: +1 item roll
• Elder ketucari: +1 item roll (stacks with renowned bonus roll)
Each fighter and medic who participates in a raid may also claim 10 laurels at the Laurel redemption thread in the hoard!