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Domain Guardian
Zone Details

These subzones may be claimed by packs!
This village was founded by refugees from the Machine War. It was built into an enormous cavern by the beach. While it seemed craftily hidden, the village was soon discovered and destroyed by the ever-territorial Garoch. Half-sunken ships can still be see in the water by the village. Pirates sometimes use the cavern as a hideout if they need to lay low for a while, knowing that even authorities are wary of approaching the island.
Draconic Rock
This foreboding cliff face was carved with the likeness of a roaring dragon as a warning to those approaching the island. The carving is so big that it is visible far off the shore. For those brave enough to venture here, homes can be made in the caves around the cliff and the jungle nearby has plenty of game.
Kilat Valley
Bordered by mountains on three sides and the ocean on the other, this lush valley is virtually a fortress. Neretu and Veldon like to hang out here sometimes, but otherwise this part of the island gets little traffic and has plenty of trees for cover.
The Monarch
This huge ship has been sitting on a sandbar on the island’s coast for years. Though in disrepair, it is big enough and in good enough shape to play host to those seeking a home.
Duhhak's Rest
Somewhere amidst this rainforest that stretches over the middle of the island are the remains of Garoch’s father Duhhak. Laced with rivers and waterfalls to support the area’s plants and game, this forest also has many places to hide from the island’s dragons.
Domain Guardian: GAROCH
250 adventures must be made in this zone before it can be raided. This number is reduced per ketucari in an adventure image, not per image.
Check the zone status page here!
Ketucari with the Aquatic skill can find treasure chests here!
Beginner Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Medium Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops

Harsh Resources
Battle Fauna
Reaping Drops

Prospecting Drops
Toresul (all colors)
Mithril Ore
Capacitor (increased chance)
Semiconductor (increased chance)
Energy core
Golden Chalice Pieces 1-8
Timeworn Skull Pieces 1-10
Dylana Statuette Pieces 1-10
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by ketucari pursuing the Greheli attunement.

Samali says:
"Listen up, we're on a mission to score one of the rarest goods on the planet, and it's going to take a lot of skill and even more luck to pull it off! If you think garonite is the hardest material out there, you're dead wrong. The only thing stronger than that is dragon eggs. Not just any dragon eggs though-- they have to be from the clutches of Garoch and his mate. We just got wind that their latest clutch has hatched and the egg shell fragments are just waiting on the inside of their cave nest to be snatched up. The trick is getting in and out without being burned to a crisp by Garoch. With new hatchlings to protect, he's gotten even more territorial than usual. Some of us are going to go in and snatch up the egg shells while a greheli team covers us with a forcefield. Be on guard for when the big fellow swoops down. It's not a matter of if, but when!"
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
5 Mithril Ore, 4 Random Toresul
Depict your ketucari using their forcefield to deflect Garoch's fire breath or magma while the recovery team collects the egg shells.
curiosity killed the ket
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by ketucari pursuing the Talik attunement.
Ryntan says:
"Ah damn, some of our kind are sometimes too brave and stupid, you know? I heard a group of youngsters challenged each other to get as close as they dare to Garoch. I'm fearing one of them may end up waking up the great one, which may release his rage with another of his destructive incursions. You can stop them you say? Alright, go do so, but please don't start a fight or cause more fuss than necessary, or you might just make the situation worse!"
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
5 Mithril Ore, 4 Random Toresul
Honor Path
•Depict your ketucari stunning the daring youngsters before they can wake the sleeping guardian, and be careful that they don't end up waking him up themselves!Notoriety Path
• Your ketucari managed to stun the youngsters, but their actions caused Garoch to wake up in a rage! Depict them running for their life and leaving the stunned youngsters behind, they deserve it anyway!The shadow of death
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by ketucari pursuing the Dasrah attunement.
Taim says:
"Damned cubs! I knew we shouldn't have brought them with us to a place like this. But matriarchs always know best, am I right? Look there. We were making our escape with Garoch at our heels and one of the idiot younglings didn't even notice there was a hole in his pack! All that loot, dropped right in the middle of Garoch's territory! A few of us are going down there to collect what we can, but I know Garoch is just waiting in the wings to take us out. Luckily for us, we can withstand his fire if only for a short time. It'll be enough to get in and out with our goods. Are you in?"
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
5 Mithril Ore, 4 Random Toresul
Depict your ketucari being hit with, and withstanding, Garoch's fire using their invulnerability skill while collecting the dropped goods.
unlikely allies
Required Armor: 1200
This quest may only be completed by elder ketucari.
Shachath says:
"I'm going to let you in on a little secret, but only because there's a chance I might get to watch you being fried alive. I got curious about these salamanders a while back. We're always fighting them, but I wanted to take a chance to study them and see what I could learn from them, because they're damn good little warriors. I.... accidentally befriended one or two of them... okay, five of them. About a week ago, I was walking along the coast with them-- unbeknownst to their guardian of course-- when they suddenly gathered around me and started spitting fire at me! I thought I was done for, but strangely enough, the flames didn't burn. In fact, they felt rather cool. The little shits seemed rather pleased with themselves for getting the jump on me, as well. Since then, I've noticed I've been able to withstand harder hits in battle. I think, and I'm not one hundred percent sure on this, but I think they might've given me and blessing for not murdering them. Why don't you help me test that theory?"
Quest Rewards:
20 Gold
Salamander Hantu Pet
Depict your ketucari befriending a salamander (or salamanders) or receiving the salamanders' blessing by being blasted with their magical flame.