Submission (#4420) Approved

30 January 2023, 03:54:26 UTC (2 years ago)
5 February 2023, 04:00:08 UTC (2 years ago) by Anarchie


Import Link: |
Zone: Kandriya
Difficulty: Harsh
Sub-Category: Reaping
Other Bonuses: Second Wind / Charming / Ancient Medallion
Permission to Revive: Yes

Feedback Thread

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Anarchie Avatar

Hey there! This image looks closer to Molten Highland than Kandriya - did you intend it to be Molten Highland?

2023-02-02 03:48:56 (Edited 2023-02-02 03:49:08)

onisyra Avatar

oh. No, it was supposed to be Kandriya, but I guess I forgot all the forests. if it'd only be rollable as Molten Highland that's fine; both drop things I'm interested in! =]

2023-02-04 01:19:30

Anarchie Avatar

It's fine, Kandriya works too! It was just very Molten Highlands as well so I wanted to be absolutely sure <3 Rolling now!

2023-02-05 03:57:23

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Reward Amount
Large Chunk of Meat 4
Hardened Scale 2
Large Carcass 2
Irakel 7
Gold 6



These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

onisyra's Bank

Currency Quantity