Submission (#4806) Approved

18 May 2023, 23:02:45 UTC (1 year ago)
19 May 2023, 22:16:40 UTC (1 year ago) by Anarchie


Import Link: -
Zone: Plains of Messus
Difficulty: Harsh
Sub-Category: prospecting
Other Bonuses: Charming skill
Permission to Revive: Yes

Feedback Thread

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Anarchie Avatar

uh oops this was supposed to be rejected not approved my hand slipped ;;;

Hey, sorry for the trouble, but you can only submit 1 adventure per ketucari per day. Can you resubmit this 24 hours after your last adventure?

2023-05-19 22:17:22

Sei-It Avatar

oop- yeah no problem haha, sorry!

(I did try to find if there was a submission limit but i couldn't see it on the adventure page, so it might be worth adding to the submission requirements or the Q and A there ^,^ )

2023-05-19 22:34:35

Anarchie Avatar

It should be on the site guide! c:

2023-05-19 22:37:06

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These items have been removed from the submitter's inventory and will be refunded if the request is rejected or consumed if it is approved.

Item Source Notes Quantity

Sei-It's Bank

Currency Quantity