Hey, sorry again but this shift has an issue - the description mentions horses having fins and this one is mentioned having horns. Both of those are mythical form only for animals that don't have 'em. If you edit that out, it'd be fine.
You have a week's grace period, sorry about that and good luck!
Goo-Lion Staff Member
Import: https://ketucari.com/character/KT-2961 | https://www.deviantart.com/matriarchs-haunt/art/Ketucari-2961-944436724
Shift Form(s): https://www.weasyl.com/~goolion/submissions/2236632/quit-horsin-around
Do you want the shift form added to your ketucari's images tab?: No! Not this year!
Do you want to be entered for the Brews, Starter Slots, and Flip Coins/Darhaskos's Talismans?: Yes!
2023-05-12 18:42:43
Feature Comment
Shift applied!
2023-05-18 23:45:16
Feature Comment
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Hey, sorry again but this shift has an issue - the description mentions horses having fins and this one is mentioned having horns. Both of those are mythical form only for animals that don't have 'em. If you edit that out, it'd be fine.
You have a week's grace period, sorry about that and good luck!
2023-05-15 23:28:09
Feature Comment
Goo-Lion Staff Member
Should be fixed! I left the danuoc scaling detail in, though if that needs to go too please lmk :3
2023-05-16 21:59:06
Feature Comment
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Oh shoot I missed that, yeah that has to go too, sorry ;-;
2023-05-17 23:50:44
Feature Comment