Comments on Design Approvals

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IIIXKitsuneXIII Avatar
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member

Design: Amarante
Proof of Ownership: #2
Items Being Applied:
Lintosi Token
Kohto's Rattle
Feather Wand - Phoenix (Sire)

Figure Of Verdani:
Crescent -> Lampworked

Figure Of Eirian x3:
Filigree -> Frill
Segment -> Plumage
Mottling -> Pangare

Suds: Girin
Token: Sable

Ancestor's Blessing: Vivid (Cyra)

Banshee's Confit x2 (Jade, White)
Your Site Inventory Links (if applying items): Text

Please name: Nine Point Eight

2023-06-21 05:44:43 (Edited 2023-06-21 05:55:12)

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member


2023-07-30 01:44:19