Comments on Ocean Shadows

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner


Please respond with the following form:

**Link your Piece**:
**Link the portrayed ketucari**: [Name](LorekeeperLink) , [Name](LorekeeperLink)
**Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?**:

2023-11-15 06:29:01 (Edited 2023-11-15 06:29:07)

LunaKirran Avatar

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari:
Lumiagua []
Akuja []
Edne []
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: B: Show your ketucari interacting with one of the new fauna (Both Lumiagua and Akuja are completing this quest? Is it a x 2?)
Raaksavar? Luta?

2023-12-01 18:57:32

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

Whoops, we forgot! You get a Large Treasure Chest!

2024-01-15 03:06:09

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

Looks like you've found some friends just below the surface! Take a look at that!

The pets rolled are specifically the ones you drew - therefore, you've obtained a lavender sea leveret and a coral adolescent rippleback!

2023-12-04 02:52:03

Skybackrider Avatar
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: D: Toxic fog rolling in

2023-11-29 16:45:49 (Edited 2023-11-29 16:46:14)

IIIXKitsuneXIII Avatar
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member

As the fog rolls in, you change the mode on your rebreather to account for it!

You receive a large treasure chest and large trinket!

2023-12-01 18:01:51

grayelfmage Avatar
Cha'alla Qala
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: D: Toxic fog rolling in

2023-11-29 16:43:59 (Edited 2023-11-29 16:46:24)

IIIXKitsuneXIII Avatar
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member

The fog rolls in but at least you're prepared!

You receive one large trinket and a large treasure chest!

2023-12-01 17:59:54

ZooofAlexandria Avatar

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Soul
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: E: The current seems strong wonder whyCRAP THAT’S A ROCK (+2 Scar Packs)

2023-11-28 18:16:08

redwilds Avatar

Link your Piece: link
Link the portrayed ketucari: Sydney
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: yes - C: What’s the strange shadow under the waves and Why Is It Watching You?

2023-11-28 11:56:18

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Link your Piece: Fog
Link the portrayed ketucari: Ink
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: D: Toxic fog rolling in

2023-11-27 13:38:46

CosmicShenanigans Avatar

Link your Piece: roll to make friends
Link the portrayed ketucari: Nahutovasi , Vivain, Verthrynne
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: B: Show your ketucari interacting with one of the new fauna (chance to “capture), 100% for low tier, 75% for medium, 50% for harsh) PINCHIEPOLLIE PINCHIEPOLLIE PINCHIEPOLLIE

2023-11-24 17:36:02

CosmicShenanigans Avatar

Link your Piece: Pillars of Stone
Link the portrayed ketucari: Nahutovasi , Vivain, Verthrynne
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: A: Show your ketucari interacting with Kartha (+10 gold, Kartha must also be a fullbody)

2023-11-19 19:42:16

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Link your Piece: Click
Link the portrayed ketucari: Pelagic , Ink, Fionn
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: C: What’s the strange shadow under the waves and Why Is It Watching You? (+1 Raffle Entry)

2023-11-18 18:17:40

CeriMond Avatar

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Ramses , Yuval, Crescent
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: C

2023-11-18 09:32:08