Comments on Ocean Shadows

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner


Please respond with the following form:

**Link your Piece**:
**Link the portrayed ketucari**: [Name](LorekeeperLink) , [Name](LorekeeperLink)
**Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?**:

2023-11-15 06:29:01 (Edited 2023-11-15 06:29:07)

AutumnDarkCloud Avatar
AutumnDarkCloud Staff Member

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Spectar
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: C: What’s the strange shadow under the waves and Why Is It Watching You?

2023-11-18 07:13:25

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Be careful Spectar! ~something~ lurks down there in the deep. Perhaps it’s been watching you for much longer than you’ve been aware of its presence. It’s easy to get distracted though when you spot a small treasure chest off in the distance, hidden between some rocks. There sure are a lot of interesting things down here.

X1 small treasure chest has been added to your hoard, and +1 raffle ticket has been logged for you!

2023-11-18 13:27:33

ASimpleMoon Avatar
ASimpleMoon Staff Member

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Seline , Karliah , Nexus
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: B) Interacting with softshell rippleback

2023-11-18 02:46:07

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

The rippleback glides happily through the deep ocean, pleased to meet all of you. It’s unbothered, moisturized, happy, in its lane, focused, and flourishing! And it wishes you to join it. Congrats, you’ve gained a friend! Slowing it down and gliding with the rippleback, you all are able to spot something else wedged between some rocks.

X1 oceanic adolescent rippleback, and x1 medium treasure chest have been added to your hoard.

2023-11-18 13:22:33

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Ink , Pelagic, Fionn
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: F: Chayandhal has swung by to say hello

2023-11-17 11:23:47

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

The three watch as Chayandhal peacefully swims through the depths. The huge guardian is a magnificent sight!

You get 1x Large Treasure Chest and 30x Gold!

2023-11-18 21:21:53

AutumnDarkCloud Avatar
AutumnDarkCloud Staff Member

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Gahool
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: Chayandhal saying hello!

2023-11-17 07:09:44

Keartricity Avatar

Link your Piece: Entry Two
Link the portrayed ketucari: Nifa , Arecel
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: Yes, C: What’s the strange shadow under the waves and Why Is It Watching You? (+1 Raffle Entry)

2023-11-17 01:05:28

Kid31 Avatar

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Shark , Cloud Nine
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: B: Show your ketucari interacting with one of the new fauna (chance to capture), 100% for low tier, 75% for medium, 50% for harsh) - Low Tier Seerop

2023-11-16 18:07:28

CeriMond Avatar

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Yuval , Ramses , Crescent
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: B, encountering a Sea Leivris

2023-11-16 08:56:44

AutumnDarkCloud Avatar
AutumnDarkCloud Staff Member

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Varzea
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: Interacting with Fauna (Westsea Luta)

2023-11-16 07:10:00

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Mordred
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: Interacting with fauna (Vipertooth Leviathan)

2023-11-16 04:45:15

IIIXKitsuneXIII Avatar
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member

Link your Piece:
Link the portrayed ketucari: Hugleikr
Did you complete a bonus prompt, if yes, which?: "Fullbody" of Kartha

2023-11-16 03:38:03