Comments on Veluchasm Festival 2024!

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Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member

Returns Danger:AlternateFatality

You make your way into the brightly-colored crack in reality, making sure to focus so that it doesn’t immediately whisk you away somewhere else. Inside, you find a very difficult to describe world. Despite the color of the portal from outside, what you find inside is a very dark cavern. You can’t see very far in front of you, and the path slopes steeply down immediately as you enter. This does not feel like a safe route. It feels like someone has called you down this route.

The path forks, and you make to turn right, but you trip in the dark, falling off what feels like a steep drop. Before you drop far, however, something grabs you from behind, grabbing you by the nape of the neck and yanking you back. You turn to look to the being that saved you, and are met with an intimidating figure, draped in a tattered cloak and shadow, a scowl just barely visible on their face.

They throw you into a nearby cavern, previously unseen, and you skid along the slick floor for a moment before catching yourself. It’s roomy in here, almost like a private arena. Your chasm captor leaps in behind you, roaring and tossing their cape behind them, still barely visible in the dim light, but you can see that their silhouette is that of some kind of mutant.

You’ll have to get past them if you want to escape. They’re tough, though, you’ll have to be smart about this. You wait for them to move first, ducking out of the way as they pass. They swipe at you as you go, but you’re going too fast, ducking under their claw and out.

As you make your way back up, you can hear them running behind you, their claws clicking on the smooth stone as you make your way up. You see the portal before you, but as if the Chasm is protecting the outside world from the monsters within, it’s starting to close. You pick up your pace, throwing yourself through the closing rift, skidding to a stop. You turn around and look behind you, watching as the Chasm snaps shut where it once let you through.

You need to rest and take some time to recover after such an encounter. You can try again next week.

Returned: AlternateFatality. Result: Fled.

You found a Kunekune Roothorne though!

You received +1 Ketixi breeding, use this comment as proof!

2024-09-12 15:56:54