Comments on KT-2045: Comet

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

This is where the owner of the ketucari may post breeding permissions. When the permission is used, you will receive a reply from an admin with a link to the breeding.

To make a permission comment, please respond here with the following form:

Permission Granted To: (Player to whom you are writing the permission)
Litter Type: (Full litter, split litter, PoTL, etc)
Breeding Boosters: Allowed/Disallowed
Split Litters Usage: Allowed/Disallowed
Inbreeding: Allowed/Disallowed
High Risk Breeding: Allowed/Disallowed (this will mean that the player can use your ketucari in breedings subject to matriarch killings)

2025-02-17 03:25:11 (Edited 2025-02-17 03:25:15)