Shadows in the Depths
Ersatz listened to the kadin's speech along with everyone else, the warm sun on her back. It was time to map Paschmahaa, was the leader of the Cartography Guild's exclamation and she found herself agreeing. Now that the toxic fog had finally subsided, what better time to explore this area and get the lay of the land. After the call to aid the guild was over, she joined the group choosing to go into the depths to collect the provided equipment.
With gear in hand, Ersatz stepped off to one side to put everything on. Some of the stuff was easy enough to figure out, a waterproof watch on to her wrist, pencil and paper, and several cameras hanging around her neck all go on their respective spots easily enough. When she started to struggle ever so slightly with the goggles and oxygen tanks, a member of the guild came over and offered to help, which Ersatz refused, declaring that she would manage it just fine.
Finally, everything on and settled nicely, she boarded one of the galleons to head out into the deeper water. While others were getting anxious as they disembarked toward the deep, darker waters, she found herself filled with excitement, her body nearly buzzing with energy. In no time at all they reached the location where everyone was to go out further on little dinghys instead of staying on the galleon. The water here was darker still and spits of the land jut up out of the water making the space unsafe for the larger vessel.
Ersatz looked down into the water, squinting her eyes and trying to see anything deeper down, any sign of the bottom, but saw nothing but blackness. As she slipped her goggles and mask onto place preparing to dive down, a chill ran down her spine. A sensation that made her look all around her as he fur and feathers bristled slightly.
The feeling of being watched.
Not seeing anything that could have caused the sensation, she steeled herself and dove into the black waves. Kicking her legs to drive herself deeper, she thought she saw motion under the boat but when she turned to get a better look, there was nothing there. Spinning in place while making sure to keep her breathing steady, she scanned the surroundings for what it could have been. She saw the silhouettes of others jumping into the water around her, and deep down below her and the boat, she saw the faintest hint of eyes reflecting light before it disappeared.
What the heck was that?
Ersatz starts exploring the depths.
WC: 430
Submitted By KittAnuva
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago