

- Colorize modifies other markings, allowing them to display in many colors.
- In your ketucari’s genotype, colorize is denoted by “nCo” (heterozygous) or “CoCo” (homozygous)
- In its heterozygous form, colorize has a passrate of 35%. Homozygous colorize has a passrate of 50%
Color and Shape

Heterozygous Colorize can be any singular color* and may have a subtle gradient and slight hue variation (such as red to orange, or navy to indigo, or yellow to gold.)
Homozygous Colorize may have two colors, either gradiented together or locked to separate markings, (such as red and blue, orange and purple, or red and yellow) If restricted to separate markings, each may have a subtle gradient and slight hue variation following the Heterozygous rules.
*However it should not be used to mimic pale and cannot be white. While pastel markings are alright, please make sure the hue of them is noticeably different from the base coat (e.g. use a purple or orange pastel instead of pink on a red)
It is also acceptable for Colorize not to display at all.
To best explain the hue shift rules:
(Please note that the color wheel is sloppily made and is only meant to explain, please divide your own color wheel into 8 roughly even sections. Severity of hue-shifts will be looked at on a case-by-case basis)

These are examples of heterozygous Colorize
Restricted to Dapple (no hue shifts or gradients)

Restricted to Koi (simple gradient)
Restricted to Lacing (minor hue shift)

Below are homozygous examples:
Two colors, one marking:

One color, two markings (with legal hue shift)
Two colors, two markings:
Here, we have a White ketucari with segment affecting void, and Homozygous Colorize affecting Acid (pink) and Marble+Overcast’s clouded leopard patches (blue).


Colorize can only be restricted to one of the markings below. It shares the range of the marking it's segmented to.
Heterozygous Colorize can only be restricted to one of the markings below.
Homozygous colorize may be restricted to a maximum of two of the markings below.
It shares the range of the marking(s) it’s restricted to.
Interaction With Other Markings
- All markings can be layered over or under colorized areas
- Colorize may affect the outline of Monarch. The outline color must be distinct from the spot colors.
- Colorize may restrict the modified color to one (or two if homozygous) of the following markings. If the ketucari doesn’t have any of these markings, colorize will not be visible. It can still be carried and passed onto this ketucari’s offspring however.
Webbing (Dark)
- Colorize may affect the dun striping caused by the uncommon color modifiers (Smokey, Flaxen, Ocean, Rose, Plum, Emerald, and Carnelian)
- Colorize does not override Lutino, Axanthic, or Ethryristic
- Colorize must remain creamy pastels on Leucistic
- Colorize may, INSTEAD of restricting to one of the listed genes, alter the color rules of Geode or Vapor, to allow them to be ANY color, rather than just Bright colors.
- Jovian and Colorize can affect the same marking. If this option is taken, then Jovian can use shades of any two hues-- as long as those two hues are within an appropriate color shift for colorize. Lighter or darker tones of either hue can be used freely, as long as the total does not exceed the five-color limit. Dominant Colorize allows any two hues to be chosen, without them having to be legal color shifts.
- Colorize when restricted to Wave turns it from "Any color that is lighter in value than base" to "Any color". It may also be 2 colors.

Here are some small accents you can add to your designs to make them more unique!