KT-2456: Dark Wings

Owned by Anarchie
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Please ask before gift writing
  • Not up for trades
Name: Dark Wings
Nicknames: Macki
ID: KT-2456
Ownership: Anarchie
(View Ownership History)


Sociable and enjoys meeting new friends, but can be rough and sharp-tongued. She'll always have your back - and her own - but her quick wit might get her and her company into more trouble than she expects.

((Nickname derived from Alpine Black Swallowtail - Papilio maackii))

Pack: Owaranai Yume

Attunement: N/A

Titles/Achievements: N/A

Backgrounds: N/A

Armor: 50/50
Strength: 0/500
Dexterity: 0/500
Cunning: 0/200
Perception: 0/200
Intellect: 0/200
Willpower: 0/200
Luck: 0/200

Equipment: None
Accessories: None
Companions: None

Sex: Female (Kadin)
Gender/Pronouns: She/her
Genotype: EE/SS/KK/DskDsk/nFil/nFr/nPn/nSb/nSg/nSt/nTpt/ww
Phenotype: Charcoal with dusky points, filigree, frill, pangare, sable, segment, spotting, tar pit
Build: Standard

Breedable? No
Lifetime Breedings: 0/0
Nobility: 0
------------------------------------------ SSS: KT-482: Fratelli Volpe
----------------- SS: KT-678: Blue
------------------------------------------ SSD: KT-556: Yuni
Sire: KT-915: Antiopa
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: [DECEASED] KT-685: Hazir
------------------------------------------ SDD: ST-532: Eraku
------------------------------------------ DSS: KT-1092: Killian
----------------- DS: KT-1273: Thistle
------------------------------------------ DSD: KT-788: Olive
Dam: KT-1696: Sparrow
------------------------------------------ DDS: KT-420: Bard Taliesin
----------------- DD: KT-1249: Meadowlark
------------------------------------------ DDD: KT-315: Voyna

Designed By: Anarchie
Art By: N/A

Technical Details

9 October 2020, 03:07:00 UTC

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Can be sold
No additional notes given.