Comments on The Veluchasm Festival!

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AutumnDarkCloud Avatar
AutumnDarkCloud Staff Member
Anarchie Avatar

Exiban KT-2101 x Sha-Im RXX-131

1 - Intersex
Genotype: Ee/Ss/KK/nLs/nDsk/nMtl/nSb/StSt/+Mcr/Forge
Phenotype: Lintosi (pick two)Brown with dusky points, mottling, sable, spotting
Mutations: Mackerel, Forgeblood
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Ketixi

-Mishaps Happen: Obtained through Genetic Mishap item use in lineage: Torte RXX-003. Doubled ancestor does NOT count as inbreeding and does not result in radiation poisoning. If any breedings with this Rixixi result in inbreeding, or inbreeding was already present in the lineage, only one instance of the doubled parent will be counted for radiation poisoning calculation: the penalty will not be doubled. This skill will be passed down to all offspring UNLESS the doubled relative is bred off the lineage.
-Body Glitter: This Rixixi is capable of passing down Gemcrafting genes to their offspring! (Gemcrafting genes will pass at an uncommon rate.) This skill has a 25% chance of passing to the offspring as well!

2023-08-28 00:31:07