Comments on Breeding Requests

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Wolfenru Avatar
Wolfenru Staff Member

LK Link: The Shot In The Dark
DA Link: The Shot In The Dark


LK Link: Forged Sunset
DA Link: Forged Sunset
Permission: I own him

Litter Distribution: Split
(If Adding items):
Item Adding:
Flourishing Elixer

Other Bonuses:

Pride Breeding!

2024-06-30 05:18:26 (Edited 2024-06-30 05:19:05)

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member

Flourishing elixir deducted from your hoard!

The Shot in the Dark- 606 x Forged Sunset-2991

"1 - Female
Genotype: Ee/ss/Kk+C/nBl/nDsk/nGe/nHp/nMtl/nRy/nSb/Ww
Phenotype: Rosewood with bleaching, dusky points, geode, hued points, mottling, ray, sable
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard
Primary Horns: Oryx

2 - Male
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk/nVi/nBl/nDsk/nRy/Ww
Phenotype: Orange with bleaching, dusky points, ray
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard

3 - Female
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk+C/nFil/nGe/nHp/nMbl/SbSb/Ww
Phenotype: Rosewood with filigree, geode, hued points, marbling, sable
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard

4 - Male
Genotype: Ee/ss/kk+C/nBl/nFil/nHp/MblMbl/nSb/Ww
Phenotype: Rosewood with bleaching, filigree, hued points, marbling, sable
Feather Type: Smooth
Build: Standard
Secondary Horns: Thunderbolt
Tertiary Horns: Undercut

5 - Female
Genotype: ee/Ss/kk+C/nBl/nFil/nGe/nHp/nMbl/nMtl/Ww
Phenotype: Rosewood with bleaching, filigree, geode, hued points, marbling, mottling
Feather Type: Fantail
Build: Standard
Tertiary Horns: Undercut"

~ Noir

2024-07-06 19:22:34

Wolfenru Avatar
Wolfenru Staff Member

Cubs #2, #3, and #4 are going to me

Cubs #1 and #5 are going to Anarchie

2024-07-07 01:31:54

Anarchie Avatar
Anarchie Staff Member

confirming split!

2024-07-01 00:12:42