Import Link: Inventory Link: Items Applying: 1 Bound Potion (300 Armor) 2 Bound Potion (450 Armor) 1 Armor Set: Eye Protection Cloth Armor (+150 Armor) with 1 Purple Toresul (+15 Nobility) + 2 Blue Torestul (+70 Int) + 2 Amber Toresul (+140 Dex) Totals should be +750 Armor (potion) (+150 Armor) with 1 Purple Toresul (+15 Nobility) + 2 Blue Torestul (+70 Int) + 2 Amber Toresul (+140 Dex)
2025-02-17 02:56:13
since I totally spaced on it, potions applied now gomen
2025-02-17 03:41:24
Achtung, baby! Vanilla is all suited up and ready for the stage.
2025-02-17 03:19:28
IIIXKitsuneXIII Staff Member
Import Link:
Inventory Link:
Items Applying:
1 Bound Potion (300 Armor)
2 Bound Potion (450 Armor)
1 Armor Set:
Eye Protection Cloth Armor (+150 Armor) with 1 Purple Toresul (+15 Nobility) + 2 Blue Torestul (+70 Int) + 2 Amber Toresul (+140 Dex)
Totals should be
+750 Armor (potion)
(+150 Armor) with 1 Purple Toresul (+15 Nobility) + 2 Blue Torestul (+70 Int) + 2 Amber Toresul (+140 Dex)
2025-02-17 02:56:13
Feature Comment
pawstepsinthesnow Staff Member
since I totally spaced on it, potions applied now gomen
2025-02-17 03:41:24
Feature Comment
pawstepsinthesnow Staff Member
Achtung, baby! Vanilla is all suited up and ready for the stage.
2025-02-17 03:19:28
Feature Comment