Titles and How to Earn Them

Created: 1 April 2024, 18:19:12 UTC
Last updated: 1 April 2024, 18:35:50 UTC


    Titles are basically achievements that can be earned and added to your ketucari's import name. While they do earn you legacy points, they have little use other than story or cosmetic purposes. Titles can provide fun flavor text to your ketucari's name, showing where they've been and what they've achieved! They are displayed on your ketucari's import as such:


 Whenever your ketucari earns a title, it is placed in their import description, and is exclusive to them. You can change titles any time via the "Edit Profile" link on the ketucari's import, and then selecting it from the "Display Title" drop down menu that appears under the "Display Name" section. If you sell the ketucari, their titles go with them.
 Legacy points earned from titles do not count towards your monthly limit. 
 Legacy points are now automatically added to your hoard when a title is redeemed!
 With the exception of quests, tasks for earning titles are not retroactive. This means that pieces created/actions completed before the release date of player objectives do not count toward the requirements. All tasks must be completed with pieces created after the release date (September 3, 2017).
All titles will be displayed on the import information.
A ketucari may only unlock a title once. You may unlock the same title on several different ketucari.


Click Here to Redeem A Title!


Tier One Titles - 5 Legacy Points

 Hunter of (Zone Name) / Herbalist of (Zone Name)
Complete 5 successful reaping adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title. This task may be completed twice per zone in order to unlock both Hunter and Herbalist on a single ketucari.

 Trader of (Zone Name)
Complete 5 successful venture adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 Prospector of (Zone Name)
Complete 5 successful prospecting adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 the Scrapper
Win 5 KvK battles.

Learn 3 physical attack skills and a social skill.

  Surveyor of (Zone Name)
Defeat (in a KvE battle) one of each beginner-difficulty creature available in the zone you would like to have included in the title. 

 the Experimenter
Return successfully from an adventure with an unbound, player-crafted potion applied.

 the Treasure Hunter
Bring back one heldyrite of every color from adventures/battles.

 the Gatherer
Bring back at least one of every species of low-ranked herb from adventures or battles.

 the Keen
Gain 100 perception.

 the Sharp
Gain 100 cunning.

 the Determined
Gain 100 willpower.

 the Insightful
Gain 100 intellect.

 the Fortunate
Gain 100 luck.

 the Mighty
Gain 250 strength.

 the Dancer
Gain 250 dexterity.

 the Regal
Gain 250 nobility.

Participate in a successful raid.

 the Armatherium Tipper
Successfully defeat an Armatherium using Slam all three turns.

 the Ill-Willed of (Zone Name)
Get KOed 5 times in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 The Tracker
Find 5 pets using the old soul skill

Tier Two Titles - 10 Legacy Points

 Slayer of (Zone Name) / Naturalist of (Zone Name)
Complete 10 successful reaping adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title. This task may be completed twice per zone in order to unlock both Slayer and Naturalist on a single ketucari.

 Merchant of (Zone Name)
Complete 10 successful venture adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 Foreman of (Zone Name)
Complete 10 successful prospecting adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 the Warrior
Win 10 KvK battles.

 the Learned
Learn 2 talent skills, 2 boon skills, and 2 adventure skills.

  Ecologist of (Zone Name)
Defeat (in a KvE battle) one of each medium-difficulty creature available in the zone you would like to have included in the title.

 the Berserker
Used Raw Hate to win a battle.

 the Well-Traveled
Complete a successful adventure of any type in every available zone, with the exception of zones your ketucari cannot access due to exploration skill limitations.

 the Scientist
Use a bound potion with at least one stack of high or legendary-rank materials.

 the Jeweler
Bring back one naliem of every color from adventures/battles.

 the Forager
Bring back at least one of every species of medium-ranked herb from adventures or battles.

 the Eagle-Eyed
Gain 200 perception.

 the Mastermind
Gain 200 cunning.

 the Unshakable
Gain 200 willpower.

 Font of Wisdom
Gain 200 intellect.

 the Feytouched
Gain 200 luck.

 the Champion
Gain 500 strength.

 the Acrobat
Gain 500 dexterity.

 Divine Scion
Gain 500 nobility.

 the Foul-Lucked of (Zone Name)
Get KOed 10 times in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 Animal Hoarder
Unlock the third pet slot

Tier Three Titles - 15 Legacy Points

 Butcher of (Zone Name) / Apothecary of (Zone Name)
Complete 15 successful reaping adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title. This task may be completed twice per zone in order to unlock both Butcher and Apothecary on a single ketucari.

 Master Merchant of (Zone Name)
Complete 15 successful venture adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 Geologist of (Zone Name)
Complete 15 successful prospecting adventures in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 the Gladiator
Win 15 KvK battles.

 the Scholar
Learn 4 magic skills.

 Master of All Trades
Learn two elder skills.

  Ranger of (Zone Name)
Defeat (in a KvE battle) one of each harsh-difficulty creature available in the zone you would like to have included in the title.

 the Gemologist
Bring back one toresul of every color from adventures/battles.

 the Botanist
Bring back at least one of every species of high-ranked herb from adventures or battles.

 the Harbinger
Be rolled in the last adventure before a zone's resources are depleted.

 Cursed Fate
Be defeated in a KvK battle by an opponent's Doom.

 Artful Dodger
Accumulate 100 gold from Sly rewards. 

 the Charismatic
Bring back two wild ketucari from Adventures with Charm.

 the Failure of (Zone Name)
Get KOed 15 times in the zone you would like have included in the title.

 the Defender of Aegrus
Successfully complete a raid in all zones of Aegrus.

 the Defender of Lucedar
Successfully complete a raid in all zones of Lucedar.

 the Defender of Darsha
Successfully complete a raid in all zones of Darsha.

 the Defender of Leto
Successfully complete a raid in all zones of Leto.

 the Defender of Vorim Hataar
Successfully complete a raid in all zones of Vorim Hataar.

Legendary Titles - 70 Legacy Points

 the Scourge of the Gods
Successfully complete a raid in every existing zone.


Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Redeem titles here by replying with the form filled out! You may redeem 5 titles per comment maximum!

Import Link: (ketucari who has earned the title - please use Ketucari Site link!)
Title Redeeming:
Proof of Completion: (link all the admin comments showing that your ketucari has met the requirements)
Total LP:

2024-04-01 18:32:00 (Edited 2024-04-01 19:06:27)

AutumnDarkCloud Avatar
AutumnDarkCloud Staff Member

Import Link: https://ketucari.com/character/KT-3260
Title Redeeming: Surveyor of The Singing Vale
Proof of Completion:
Defeated Tawny Imp: https://ketucari.com/submissions/view/6053
Defeated Cliffshriek: https://ketucari.com/submissions/view/6087
Total LP: 5

2025-02-25 05:47:33

Wolfenru Avatar
Wolfenru Staff Member

Title Granted!

2025-03-05 21:10:23

An1k3t0s Avatar
See More Replies
Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Leave suggestions for titles here! Please include the name of the title and the task necessary to complete it.

This thread will be looked at periodically and you will be notified if your suggestion has been added!

2024-04-01 18:24:30 (Edited 2024-04-01 19:05:53)

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2024-04-01 18:21:56 (Deleted 2024-04-01 18:24:18)

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