Qarakarja's Lab

Created: 3 April 2021, 11:04:04 UTC
Last updated: 6 June 2024, 01:50:37 UTC

Alchemy is a crafting discipline that incorporates the use of herbs and animal parts to create potions and various other items. Potions can be used to raise your ketucari's statistics either temporarily or permanently. Crafting requires a ketucari to be levelled up in order to access certain recipes. See how to do so here.
Crafting requests must be made via our website. Visit the Site Guide and see crafting under the Prompt Submission section to see how.

Creating Custom Potions

 To craft a custom potion, you will need the following components:
1. A flask (available at the Marketplace and via crafting)

2.  At least 5 of any herb or animal part that provides a stat boost. You can find which herbs/animal parts provide which boosts in the Ingredient Codex

General Guidelines

•  Potions may have a maximum of THREE different stat-boosting attributes.
•  Armor potions and Nobility potions can not be mixed with any other stat.
• All potions provide only temporary boosts. If you wish to make a potion with a permanent boost, you will need to purchase a binding reagent from the Marketplace.
• For ARMOR potions, potions that do not have a binding reagent will merely act as a regenerative potion, restoring lost armor. Armor potions with a binding reagent will add a permanent boost onto your max armor.
•  Potions containing Medium or Harsh tier ingredients require an Advanced Alchemist - These Ingredients Include: Medium Chunk of Meat, Large chunk of Meat, Large Claw, Venom Extract, Tough Horn, Vial Of Blood, Sharp Fang, Hardened Scale, Asher, Ykalu, Banukel, Whitsul, Seit, Kelam, Dragon's Claw, Dramos, Morban, Irakel, Nutili, and Danios
•  Potions containin legendary tier ingredients require a Legendary Alchemist - These Ingredients include: Demonic Essence, Holy Essence, Divine Bone, Ambrosia, Dynyr, Fotur, Rugha, Alear, Yendi, Nysine

Submitting your crafting request

1. Your first step will be to decide which stat-boosting attributes you would like in your potion. You can farm the necessary materials via Adventuring and Battles. Be sure to purchase/craft a flask and, if you'd like to make your stat boosts permanent, a binding reagent.

2. Once you have all the materials together, submit your crafting request via our website (the link on how to do this can be found above).
There is no failure chance with crafting, so as soon as your request is processed the materials will be removed from your bank account and exchanged for the potion. 

 Potions that are not permanent may be applied to adventures as bonuses or used in battle turns in place of a skill (such as regenerating armor with an armor potion).


    Transmutation allows you to convert items from one tier to the tier above it. For example, converting a beginner zone item to a medium zone item. You may only transmute ore to ore, herbs to herbs, and animal parts to animal parts. The stat attribute of the item you are trasmuting must match the stat of the item you're turning it into EXCEPT for artifact pieces, which may be assorted. Transmuting herbs to ore, ore to animal parts, etc. is not allowed. High quality materials may only be transmuted into legendary materials by a ketucari who has .
You can also convert backwards at the same rate of 1 higher tier = 4 lower tier and the same gold cost!
Transmutation requires an Advanced or Legendary Alchemist, depending on ingredients.

 A quick guide to transmutation can be found here
Low to Medium

Give: 4 of any low quality herb, ore, gem, meat, artifact piece, or animal part +1 gold
Receive: 1 herb, ore, meat, artifact piece, or animal part of your choice, of medium quality. You must state which artifact piece you want for archaeology items.

Medium to High

Give: 4 of any medium quality herb, ore, gem, meat, artifact piece, or animal part +5 gold
Receive: 1 herb, ore, meat, artifact piece, or animal part of your choice, of high quality. You must state which artifact piece you want for archaeology items.

High to Legendary (requires Legendary Alchemist)

Give: 4 of any high quality herb, ore, gem, meat, artifact piece, or animal part +10 gold
Receive: 1 herb, ore, meat, artifact piece, or animal part of your choice, of legendary quality. You must state which artifact piece you want for archaeology items.

Other Craftables

In addition to creating custom potions, you can also use alchemy to create a few other items!
Beginner Recipes

These may be crafted by any ketucari!


Materials Required: 1 piece of glass
Necessary crafting ingredient for alchemy.

Scrap Totem
Materials Required: 5 of any beginner zone animal parts such as claws, bones, and horns (excluding meat)
Use: Increases the chance of catching a divine pet through an Adventure or Battle by 5. Can only be used once.
Tranquil Charm
Materials Required: 20 of any assorted crafting materials
Use: Something about this charm makes people who come in close contact with it feel at ease... and perhaps a little generous. Maybe it'll work on local shopkeepers? Can only be used once per purchase to take 5% off a Marketplace purchase.
 Volatile Potion
Materials Required: 15 of any assorted herbs, 1 flask, 1 binding reagent
Use: Boosts a random stat (or stats) by a random amount. May boost several stats or only one, by a very little or sizable amount. Can only be used once.
Raw Hate
Materials Required: 3 of any black gem, 3 of any red gem, 5 of any herb, 1 flask
Use: This dark potion can be used to guarantee that a ketucari wins a battle, against any fauna of any zone. Popular with young ketucari seeking to bag a win for their right to breed. Can only be used once per ketucari.
Explorer's Spirit
Materials Required: 3 of any yellow gem, 3 of any rose gem, 5 of any herb, 1 flask
Use: Guarantees that a ketucari is not KO'ed in an adventure. Can only be used once per ketucari.
Herbal Brew
Materials Required: 1 flask, 5 of any of the following: shyl, snow cap, leriss, yellow sedge, armosi, satia, brittle horn, small claw, heavy bone
Use: Chance to roll up to 4 cubs in a litter. No effect on whwh or medium litter dams.
 Cloaking Draught
Materials Required: 5 heavy bone, 5 small claw, 5 brittle horn
Use: Decreases chances of a matriarch killing by 5. Does not stack.
 Tattoo Ink
Materials Required: Any 10 herbs, 1 flask
Use: Allows you to put up to 2 small "tattoos" on your ketucari's import.
Medium-Harsh Recipes

These may be crafted by a ketucari who has advanced one crafting level!

Balanced Totem
Materials Required: 5 of any medium zone animal parts such as claws, bones, and horns (excluding meat)
Use: Increases the chance of catching a divine pet through an Adventure or Battle by 15. Can only be used once.
Sturdy Totem
Materials Required: 5 of any harsh zone animal parts such as claws, bones, and horns (excluding meat)
Use: Increases the chance of catching a divine pet through an Adventure or Battle by 25. Can only be used once.
 Strong Herbal Brew
Materials Required: 1 flask, 15 of any of the following: ykalu, asher, banukel, whitsul, kelem, seit, venom extract, tough horn, large claw
Use: Chance to roll up to 6 cubs in a litter. No effect on whwh dams.
Glow Paste
Materials Required: 2 seit, 2 irakel, 2 shyll, 1 frostberry, 1 of any gem
Use: Allows you to add a subtle glow to the eyes and/or flesh of 1 ketucari. The glow effect may be any color.
Legendary recipes

These may only be crafted by ketucari who have reached Legendary Crafting!

Ornate Totem

Materials Required: 5 of any legendary zone animal parts such as claws, bones, and horns (excluding meat)
Use: Increases the chance of catching a divine pet through an Adventure or Battle by 50. Can only be used once.

Elixir of Forgetfulness

Materials Required: 5 of any assorted legendary crafting materials, 1 flask, 1 binding reagent
Use: Allows a ketucari to "forget" one skill/quest of your choosing. Can only be used once.

 Hypnotic Charm
Materials Required: 5 of any assorted legendary crafting materials
Use: A step up from the tranquil charm, this one almost seems to make others want to do your bidding! Is that even legal? Can only be used once per purchase to take 10% off a Marketplace purchase.
 Darhaskos' Talisman 
Materials Required: Codex Page: Darhaskos' Talisman (dropped from beginner zone raids), 1 divine bone, 1 alear, 1 rugha
Use: Gives the ketucari it's equipped to the Trickery of Darhaskos ability outside of the What A Load of Shift! yearly event.
 Mutation Potion
Materials Required: Codex Page: Mutation Potion (dropped from medium zone raids), 1 holy essence, 3 ambrosia, 1 yendi
Use: Guarantees cubs  in the litter (limits output to 2 genos in a litter max) will receive a random gene the parents do not have in a breeding. Litter number boosters do not work on litters with this potion applied, but a flourishing elixir can be used for a chance of a second cub if the litter only rolls one cub.
 Guardian Paste
Materials Required: Codex Page: Guardian Paste (dropped from medium zone raids), 1 of each legendary herb
Use: Allows a one-time litter guard.
 Mythical Feather Wand
Materials Required: Codex Page: Mythical Feather Wand, 1 holy essence, 3 assorted legendary herbs, 3 assorted legendary gems, 1 ambrosia
Use: Allows a cub to inherit the feather type of one of their parents.
Bottled Glamour
Materials Required: Codex Page: Bottled Glamour, Holy Essence x1, Demonic Essence x1, Purple Daras x1, Ambrosia x1, 5 assorted legendary herbs
Use: Can be used with a token to create the visual effect of a gene that the ketucari does not possess, though a gene added this way is not present on the ketucari's genotype or phenotype and cannot be passed via breeding. Can also apply a number of strange effects to a gene added this way OR already present on the ketucari. Please see this guide for full rules.
Materials Required: 100 of any assorted alchemy-related crafting materials (if it is an ingredient in any above recipe or can be used in a custom potion, it counts)
Use: When equipped to a legendary alchemist, will provide a small chance to double the result of an alchemy recipe being crafted.