The Bonding Bar
On your ketucari's import information, you will see a section for their bonding bar. In newly obtained ketucari, all of the bullets in their bar will be black, as they will start out at 0.
The bonding bar serves as incentive to keep and continue working with your ketucari. The more you do with them, the stronger your bond will become and the better they will perform for you!
Bonding cannot be applied to Companions at this time
The Exception is that if you win or receive a ketucari from an event where that ketucari was drawn and raffled off, you may claim any unclaimed pieces for bonding with the permission of the artist.
Bond Leveling and Rewards

There is a maximum of three levels per comment
We will no longer process batches that cross the 5->6 threshold, to better ensure that your total stats wind up accurate.
Rewards will increase as you reach higher levels on the bar!FOR LEVELS 1-5:
Each time you redeem pieces for a level, your ketucari will receive
+10 to any Adventure stat of your choice
+10 Dexterity
+10 Strength
+50 Armor
Each time you redeem pieces for a level, your ketucari will receive
+20 to any Adventure stat of your choice
+20 Dexterity
+20 Strength
+100 Armor
+10 Nobility
Bonding Level 10 reached prior to November 5th, 2021 should have their token claimed through the following thread.
Exalted Leveling and Rewards
Exalted levels will be expanded as time goes on and ketucari receive more and more art.

There is a maximum of three levels per comment
Exalted Level rewards are a little different from Bonding rewards.They will include player's choice of several options, plus several stat boosts.
Currently, Exalted levels cap at "Exalted 20", but this may be expanded in the future.
+100 armor
+20 Dexterity
+20 Strength
+10 Nobility
+5 Breeding Slots
150 gold
1 Pouch of Raw Materials
5 Garonite Ore
What Counts as a "Group Activity"
-Adventures of any sorts
-Skill and Crafting Unlocks
-Any official Group Events That have a specific prompt regardless of art requirement
-The Hallowed Tarn
-Theme pieces regardless of rolling (must already have a theme declared on the tracker, must be rollable)
-Monthly Bounty
-Shift art for WaLoS, Flip Coins, or Darhaskos's Talismans.
-miscellaneous rolls done through Emissary
-Any non-import reference art (that is not Shift forms)
Keeping A Tracker
Like many other ARPGs, keeping an import or image tracker for your ketucari is important - mainly for tracking your bonding submissions! This will help our admins see at a glance if there is any repeated work, and will let you simply link your tracker instead of several different links!Here are some examples of fantastically helpful trackers that we've gotten permission to repost and have our members copy:

Yes. All bonuses received from bonding will be removed as well and the new owner will have to start fresh.

Yes, they will!

No! Commissioned/gifted/etc. art can all be redeemed as well!

Yes! Reaching elder is considered an activity - but be sure they meet the minimum requirements!

Yes! We do ask that our members to begin using a tracker since Level 1, for ease of use for you and us.
After all, for max bonding, we would have to go through 150 submissions otherwise!
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Leave a comment here with the following information:
Please keep the following in mind-
Maximum of Three Levels Per Comment
Please don't submit groups of bonding levels that cross the 5-6 threshhold, to make it easier for admins to ensure that you get your full stat bonuses. Stop at 5, restart at 6. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Link to Import:
Level Raising:
Adventure Stat to be Raised:
Link to Previous Bonding Confirmation Comments or Tracker:
2024-04-05 17:57:06 (Edited 2024-04-05 17:57:53)
Unfeature Comment
ASimpleMoon Staff Member
Link to Import:
Level Raising: 1-3
Adventure Stat to be Raised: Luck for all three
Link to Previous Bonding Confirmation Comments or Tracker: Saturn's Tracker
2025-03-04 02:02:02
Feature Comment
Wolfenru Staff Member
Bonding Levels Confirmed!
2025-03-04 19:44:28
Feature Comment
ASimpleMoon Staff Member
Link to Import:
Level Raising: 6-7
Adventure Stat to be Raised: Willpower for both
Link to Previous Bonding Confirmation Comments or Tracker: Killian's Tracker
2025-03-03 21:03:13
Feature Comment