Player and Zone Objectives

Created: 1 April 2024, 18:49:43 UTC
Last updated: 2 October 2024, 01:38:39 UTC

Zone Objectives

    :new: As of 1/2/20, tasks all available for all 3 zone levels!

    :new: Revamp as of 5/26/21 to match the Zone Revamp!


    Zone objectives are tasks that can be completed by a ketucari in order to earn prizes.


 -Tasks for completing zone objectives are not retroactive. This means that pieces created/items gathered before the release date of zone objectives do not count toward the requirements. All tasks must be completed with pieces created after the release date (September 3, 2017).
 -Zone objectives may only be completed once per ketucari. An individual ketucari may complete objectives in multiple zones. If you have multiple ketucari, you may complete the zone objectives on as many of them as you please.
 -All pieces created for zone objectives must meet the minimum art requirements.
 -All pieces created for zone objectives must feature your own ketucari and be pieces created by you. Collabs are permitted!
 -Titles and zone backgrounds earned from this are exclusive to the ketucari who earned them. They cannot be sold, traded, or gifted. If you sell the ketucari, their titles and backgrounds go with them. You can change titles any time via the ketucari's "Edit Profile" button. Backgrounds can also be changed any time via the appropriate link at The Hoard. Your ketucari's exclusive items are kept track of on their official import. Crafting materials, gold, and legacy points will be placed in your personal hoard for you to do with as you please.



Tasks and Prizes

These tasks must be completed within the zone you are meeting the objectives for. Remember that since this is a group activity, these pieces count toward elder themes! When your ketucari has completed a task for a zone, go to this comment and reply with the filled out form to redeem your prizes.

These tasks may be completed in any order. You do not have to complete all zone objectives, but if you complete more than one for a Ketucari, you can submit all tasks for a single zone at the same time. Please submit one zone and one ketucari per comment.

Prompt 1: Show your ketucari interacting with the zone's fauna. This may be used as a battle if it meets the requirements.
Rewards: 10 Copper Ore, 10 Leather Scraps, 50 Gold, 10 Legacy Points

Prompt 2: Show your ketucari interacting with the domain guardian of the zone. This may be a positive or negative experience, or they may simply be hiding from them or observing them from a safe distance.
Rewards: 10 Iron Ore, 15 Leather Scraps, 50 Gold, 15 Legacy Points

Prompt 3: Complete one quest/skill in this zone OR create a piece showing an important life event that happens to your ketucari in this zone.
Rewards: 10 Mithril Ore, 20 Leather Scraps, 50 Gold, 20 Legacy Points

Prompt 4: Earn a tier 1 title for this zone (Hunter/Herbalist/Trader/Prospector/Surveyor/Ill-Willed).
 You may choose one of the following titles (whichever you feel best fits your ketucari):
    - Explorer of (zone name)
    - Sage of (zone name)
    - Rogue of (zone name)
    - Guardian of (zone name)
 They will also unlock the respective import background of the zone (see below)

Click Here to Redeem Your Prizes!



Zone Backgrounds

Earning a Tier 1 Title for a zone allows your Ketucari to unlock one of four titles for that zone as well as that zone's background.
 You may choose one of the following titles (whichever you feel best fits your ketucari):
    - Explorer of (zone name)
    - Sage of (zone name)
    - Rogue of (zone name)
    - Guardian of (zone name)

Blasting Moors - Jordskarn - Plains of Messus 

Blasting Moors by Matriarchs-HauntJordskarn by Matriarchs-HauntPlains Of Messus by Matriarchs-Haunt

Shalekesh - Bayan Plateau - Singing Vale

Shalekesh by Matriarchs-HauntBayan Plateau by Matriarchs-HauntSinging Vale by Matriarchs-Haunt

Ferokk Ravine - Silverglade - Obsidian Bluffs

Ferokk Ravine by Aiggy by Matriarchs-HauntSilverglade by Aiggy by Matriarchs-HauntObsidian Bluffs by Aiggy by Matriarchs-Haunt

Terendum - Gusting Cavern - Kandriya - Sunye Wastes

Terendum by Aiggy by Matriarchs-HauntGusting Cavern by Matriarchs-HauntKandriya by Matriarchs-HauntSunye by Matriarchs-Haunt

Antikutan - Ilahaesa Mountains - Kanibar Snowfields

Antikutan by Matriarchs-HauntIlahaesa by Matriarchs-HauntKanibar by Matriarchs-Haunt

Molten Highlands - Salamander Island - Viridian Tangle - Zolkanis

Molten Highland by Matriarchs-HauntSalamanderisland1 by Matriarchs-HauntTangle by Matriarchs-HauntZolkanis by Matriarchs-Haunt


Player Objectives


Player objectives are tasks that an individual player may complete once per month to earn legacy points.



- Tasks for completing player objectives are not retroactive. This means that pieces created/actions completed before the release date of player objectives do not count toward the requirements. All tasks must be completed with pieces created after the release date (September 3, 2017).
- While you can do as many adventures/quests/etc. as you wish throughout the month, you may only count ONE adventure type/quest/etc. toward your objectives. 
- Only pieces/tasks completed within the current month can count toward that month's objectives. In other words, you cannot use a piece submitted in September for October's objectives.
- All pieces created for player objectives must feature your own ketucari and be pieces created by you. Collabs are permitted!
- Please note that redeeming Titles, here for legacy points is no longer required as legacy points are automatically added to your hoard when you redeem the title on the titles journal!



Here are the tasks you may complete once per month in order to earn legacy points!

Worth two points each:
 -Submit a reaping adventure
 -Submit a prospecting adventure
 -Submit a scouting adventure
 -Submit a venture
 -Submit a quest
 -Submit a skill unlock
 -Submit a Hallowed Tarn piece 
 -Submit a battle
 -Craft an item

Worth four points each:
-Submit a monthly bounty
-Submit a bonding level-up

Worth ten points each:
-Submit a ketucari for elder
-Ressurect a cub
-Complete an elemental blessing
-Participate in a raid
-Complete an Elder Isle quest (Lineage skills count under regular 2LP skills - Founding a lineage skill goes here, however.)


Click Here to Redeem Your Tasks!

Links to previous months' player tasks- these may be redeemed after the new month comment is up. 


September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
March 2024
February 2024
January 2024


Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Redeem Player Objectives Here for MAY 2024!

Tasks Completed: (please link the deviation/comment where you completed the task as well as what it is- adventure, resurrection, etc.)
Total LP Redeeming:

2024-06-01 23:37:29 (Edited 2024-06-01 23:37:51)

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Redeem Player Objectives Here for APRIL 2024!

Tasks Completed: (please link the deviation/comment where you completed the task as well as what it is- adventure, resurrection, etc.)
Total LP Redeeming:

2024-05-01 16:14:17 (Edited 2024-05-01 16:14:23)

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Redeem Player Objectives Here for MARCH 2024!

Tasks Completed: (please link the deviation/comment where you completed the task as well as what it is- adventure, resurrection, etc.)
Total LP Redeeming:

2024-04-01 19:20:34 (Edited 2024-04-01 19:20:38)

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Redeem Player Objectives Here for FEBRUARY 2024!

Tasks Completed: (please link the deviation/comment where you completed the task as well as what it is- adventure, resurrection, etc.)
Total LP Redeeming:

2024-04-01 19:19:52 (Edited 2024-04-01 19:19:55)

Matriarchs-Haunt Avatar
Matriarchs-Haunt Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Redeem Player Objectives Here for JANUARY 2024!

Tasks Completed: (please link the deviation/comment where you completed the task as well as what it is- adventure, resurrection, etc.)
Total LP Redeeming:

2024-04-01 19:18:38 (Edited 2024-04-01 19:19:13)

ZooofAlexandria Avatar

Tasks Completed:
2 LP each:
Submit a venture
Submit a battle
Submit a scouting adventure
Craft an item
Total LP Redeeming: 8 LP

2024-06-05 12:58:53

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member

Objectives redeemed!

~ Noir

2024-07-01 19:11:22

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