Import Link: Inventory Link: Items Applying: 5 Large Chunks of Meat, 1 Small Chunk of Meat "anar your support doesn't need heals-" she was at half healthhhhhh
2024-05-30 02:05:05
Pan eats the meat and has her armor fully restored!
2024-06-01 01:35:10
Anarchie Staff Member
Import Link:
Inventory Link:
Items Applying: 5 Large Chunks of Meat, 1 Small Chunk of Meat
"anar your support doesn't need heals-" she was at half healthhhhhh
2024-05-30 02:05:05
Feature Comment
Wolfenru Staff Member
Pan eats the meat and has her armor fully restored!
2024-06-01 01:35:10
Feature Comment