The Wanderer Slot Raffle Season 4

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Noirmori

The Wanderers

    A pack of young adult ketucari has recently been spotted roaming the continents, seeking to explore, learn, and socialize wherever they go. Calling themselves the Wanderers, their aim to experience all walks of life may cause their paths to cross with your very own ketucari! 

Current Wanderers



Every month, the group will be raffling off one slot to each of the above ketucari!

Bullet; White There are no restrictions on the usage of these slots.

Bullet; White Each slot also comes with a "built in" Sundisk of Nyssa, so that you may breed them with a male or female ketucari. They also do not require a litter guard.

Bullet; White You may enter once per ketucari, but you may only win one Wanderer slot total for the month.

Bullet; White Wanderers may be bred together if you happen to collect more than one slot over the course of a few months.

How to Enter

Bullet; White Simply create a piece that meets our minimum Group Submission Requirements showing one of your ketucari interacting with the Wanderer who's slot you would like to win! Collaborations are allowed, but in order to count for all involved parties, each must have a ketucari present in the piece.

Bullet; White Only one Wanderer may be included per piece (ie, you cannot depict all six in one piece and use it as an entry for all of them). However, if collaborating pieces, more than one Wanderer may be included at a rate of One Per Person. However each player may only use one piece to enter for one Wanderer.
-i.e. Players 1, 2 and 3 collab on a piece with Manghild, Liatris, and Hen'ri. Player 1 can use the piece to enter for Manghild, Liatris, or Hen'ri, but not all three. Player 2 can do the same, as well as Player 3.
Bullet; White Remember that until they're raffled off, Wanderers are group owned. R rated entries and entries that are found to be disrespectful to either the Wanderer or any real life person, collective group of people, or culture, can be refused and rejected. They're allowed to be portrayed as creepy, or as villains if you like, but they Must be portrayed with respect, if only for the sake of the future owners.

Bullet; White Entries cannot double-dip into multiple raffles unless stated otherwise. Noted exceptions are the Annual WaLoS Raffle, and the Annual Eros and Firn slot raffles. Any other Event Raffles are a "no" unless stated otherwise.
This includes the raffles and draw to adopts in other species.

This mostly applies to literature, as it's harder to have blatant disrespect in visual mediums. However, as a bit of a rubric for the sorts of things that might ping as disrespectful:

-Non-spoken lines making fun of the character (such as calling them "gross")
-high number of "in character" or spoken lines making fun of the character
-calling them "it" (or any other pronoun) in a way that deprives the character of personhood
-entries that feel like they were written from a place of Disliking the character (we understand this is subjective, and other factors will be looked at)
-entries using the character as a mouthpiece for any sorts of views that deny other characters (or any people, groups of people, or cultures) personhood and basic dignity
-entries using the character as a vessel to insult other characters, players, admins, or other species

Bullet; White There will be up to 6 total winners, labelled 1-6. Winners will be asked to list the Wanderers they want in order of preference based on which number they have and who they put in entries for (you cannot put in a Livia entry and win Fionn, for example, but if you only entered for Bun you get priority on Bun).
-i.e. if you are the only person to put in an entry on both Temotepis and Cape, you may choose which slot you would prefer to get, instead of receiving Temotepis by default.

Bullet; White You may include multiple entries in one comment.

Bullet; White Comment your entry here:
JUNE 2023



Yearly Import Raffle


Each year, the Wanderers will retire from their journey and seek a permanent residence as new pack members take their place. That means they could even end up with you!

Before we get started we need to establish a few things, however. As the Wanderers are not just fancy imports but characters you all have been developing through the year, we want to make the ownership rules clear.

Bullet; White Wanderers may not be redesigned. Tokens may be added if applicable, and accessories, Elemental Blessings, and new backgrounds can be added, but the actual character cannot be redesigned.

Bullet; White Wanderers may Not be resold for USD.

Bullet; White No Deceasing the import. If you don't want them, gift/trade them to someone else or give them back to the group. Imports returned to the group will not be re-raffled without your approval/

Bullet; White The New Owner may Not change their Wanderer's Attunement without use of the Attunement Shift item.

Bullet; White The New Owner will need to complete their Wanderer's Breeding Eligibility. Their Breeding Comment will be "locked" before they are transferred to their new owner. Slots written by the Matriarchs-Haunt account will not count against the Wanderer's used or total Slots.

Bullet; White The new Owner must be aware that their Wanderer will not keep their built in Guardian or Sun Disk.

Bullet; White If a Wanderer is somehow Unclaimed it will remain group-owned as a starter.

Bullet; White The New Owner must be aware that their Wanderer will maintain their "Starter" status and be added to lineages as needed.

With that established, here is how


How to Enter

Bullet; White As with the Slot Raffle, you must create a piece that meets our minimum Group Submission Requirements showing one of your ketucari interacting with the Wanderer who's slot you would like to win! THESE PIECES MAY BE COMMISSIONED. Commissioned entries may be used by both Commissioner and Commissionee as long as each has a ket present in the piece. Collaborations are allowed, but in order to count for all involved parties, each must have a ketucari present in the piece.

Bullet; White UNLIKE with the Slots, you may include up to 3 Wanderers in an entry and it will count for all of them.

Bullet; White There will be up to 6 total winners, labelled 1-6. Winners will be asked to list the Wanderers they want in order of preference based on which number they have and who they put in entries for (you cannot put in a Geiger entry and win Leslie, for example, but if you only entered for Geiger you get priority on Geiger).

Bullet; White Comment your entry here: >CURRENTLY OPEN

Current Wanderers are due to be adopted out on March 1st, 2024




Anarchie Avatar
Featured by Owner
Anarchie Avatar
Featured by Owner

Cape - No one, will have an orphanage breeding
Temotepis - No one, will have an orphanage breeding
Imorys - ASimpleMoon with
Kielo - Noirmori with
Leslie - Sirenianheart with
Geiger - Goo-Lion with

2024-03-01 08:33:00 (Edited 2024-03-01 08:33:04)

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Comment here with entries for the Wanderer Ownership Raffle!

Be aware of the ownership rules when entering:
-Wanderers may not be redesigned. Tokens may be added if applicable, and accessories, Elemental Blessings, and new backgrounds can be added, but the actual character cannot be redesigned.
-Wanderers may Not be resold for USD.
-No Deceasing the import. If you don't want them, gift/trade them to someone else or give them back to the group. Imports returned to the group will not be re-raffled without you.
-The New Owner may Not change their Wanderer's Attunement without use of the Attunement Shift item.
-The New Owner will need to complete their Wanderer's Breeding Eligibility.
-Their Breeding Comment will be "locked" before they are transferred to their new owner. Slots written by the Matriarchs-Haunt account will not count against the Wanderer's used or total Slots.
-The new Owner must be aware that their Wanderer will not keep their built in Guardian or Sun Disk.
-If a Wanderer is somehow Unclaimed it will remain group-owned as a starter.
-The New Owner must be aware that their Wanderer will maintain their "Starter" status and be added to lineages as needed.

2024-02-01 19:31:43 (Edited 2024-02-01 19:31:47)

pawstepsinthesnow Avatar
pawstepsinthesnow Staff Member

for Temotepis, feat Starseeker

2024-03-01 05:02:28

Anarchie Avatar

You have won Temotepis! Your wanderer has been transferred to you!

2024-03-01 08:55:38

SirenianHeart Avatar
SirenianHeart Staff Member

For Geiger, feat. Hen'ri! A wanderer party in the desert XD

2024-02-26 06:33:47

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Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member
Featured by Owner


2024-02-01 19:30:25 (Edited 2024-02-01 19:30:32)

ASimpleMoon Avatar
ASimpleMoon Staff Member
Anarchie Avatar

Congrats on the win, here's your slot!

2024-03-01 08:26:07

Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member
For Kielo slot

2024-02-23 11:32:02

See More Replies
Noirmori Avatar
Noirmori Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Cape - Blacktiger128 with
Temotepis - No one, will have an orphanage breeding
Imorys - No one, will have an orphanage breeding
Kielo - Anarchie with
Leslie - No one, will have an orphanage breeding
Geiger - No one, will have an orphanage breeding

2024-02-01 19:27:50 (Edited 2024-02-01 19:27:54)

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