KT-1124: Ivy

Owned by ASimpleMoon
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Not up for trades
Name: Ivy
Nicknames: Little Dancer
ID: KT-1124
Ownership: ASimpleMoon
(View Ownership History)


Elegant from the very beginning, Ivy is a creative and bright young kadin, she loves testing her limits and bringing happiness to others, she is FIERCELY protective of her siblings, especially Oliver and Jane.

A serene individual, she left her family to be an entertainer. She is flirtatious and light on her feet, never one to hurt someone intentionally and is an expert dancer.

When she got the news from Lavell of her mothers passing and King's dissapearance she dropped everything to be with her and her remaining family. She's struggling to keep it together and finds herself growing increasingly frustrated with her sister Shalla's worsening behavior, that and the fact Jane and Oliver are no where to be found are driving her into a serious state of depression and anger. Lavell being the only one keeping her from drowning.

Pack: N/A

Attunement: N/A

Titles/Achievements: N/A

Backgrounds: N/A

Armor: 50/50
Strength: 0/500
Dexterity: 0/500
Cunning: 0/200
Perception: 0/200
Intellect: 0/200
Willpower: 0/200
Luck: 0/200

Equipment: None
Accessories: None
Companions: None

Sex: Female (Kadin)
Gender/Pronouns: -
Genotype: ee/SS/Kk/nDi/nSb/nPn/nWt/Ww
Phenotype: Cameo with sable, pangare, and washout
Build: Standard

Breedable? No
Lifetime Breedings: 0/0
Nobility: 0
------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: ST-278: Ryntan
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: KT-427: Drauger
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: ST-001: Kaur
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: KT-632: Tauratu (Winter King)
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: KT-869: Memory Lost
------------------------------------------ DDS: Unknown
----------------- DD: KT-363: Sorcha (Pronounced Sorika or Sorka)
------------------------------------------ DDD: ST-008: Kamala

Designed By: SG96@dA
Art By: N/A

Technical Details

15 July 2020, 18:11:02 UTC

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Can be sold
No additional notes given.