KT-1237: Striker

Owned by ASimpleMoon
  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed
  • Not up for trades
Name: Striker
Nicknames: Strike
ID: KT-1237
Ownership: ASimpleMoon
(View Ownership History)

Character: Despite his seemingly aggressive name, Strike is a rather level headed and calm ketucari. Highly intelligent he tends to travel around offering his medical skills to those in need. He was mentored at a young age to become a healer, and it seems to have come to him naturally. He is a very likeable ketucari, and is quite humorous and kind. His past patients tend to seek him out due to his bedside manner and gentle treatment. He tends to mentor aspiring medics often and is a very patient teacher. Strike hates it when he loses a patient, and it often haunts him and depresses him quite a lot, though he does his best to show he is not affected despite very much being so.
Pack: N/A

Attunement: N/A

Titles/Achievements: N/A

Backgrounds: N/A

Armor: 39/50
Strength: 17/500
Dexterity: 0/500
Cunning: 0/200
Perception: 4/200
Intellect: 0/200
Willpower: 0/200
Luck: 4/200

Equipment: None
Accessories: None
Companions: None

Sex: Male (Toa)
Gender/Pronouns: -
Genotype: Ee/Ss/Kk/nDsk/nRy/nSm/Ww
Phenotype: Brown with Dusky Points, Ray and Shimmer
Build: Standard

Breedable? Yes
Lifetime Breedings: 20/20
Nobility: 0

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: ST-286: Meesha
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: KT-420: Bard Taliesin
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: ST-284: Gaura
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: KT-562: Ravane
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: KT-669: Sehkmet
------------------------------------------ DDS: KT-143: Tikaani
----------------- DD: KT-370: Nephthys
------------------------------------------ DDD: KT-181: Qilaq

Designed By: Akllozz
Art By: N/A

Technical Details

15 July 2020, 18:11:10 UTC

Can be gifted
Can be traded
Can be sold
No additional notes given.